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  1. Angels, Catfish, Danio's and Tetra's.
  2. One of my Gourami's had what looked like a few flesh wounds. I thought he may have gotten himself stuck behind the filter or something. It's been a few weeks now and his wounds are looking worse, have reddened somewhat and look diseased. I am now not sure they were actually wounds but some kind of disease. One of my other Gourami's is now showing signs of a couple of red patches which I am worried may develop into something more sinister. All other fish doing well, tank water all ok. Any ideas out there?
  3. Can somebody throw some advice my way about the biological filter... obviously it should not be disturbed too much, but my pump flow is somewhat reduced so I imagine I need to perform a partial clean of the filter. The filter is an external canister type layered from bottom to top with: Bio-Balls, Fine filter pad, Ammo Chips, another Fine Filter Pad, Filter Wool and then a Course Washable Screen Filter on the top. Should I remove and replace the filter wool and wash the top screen filter media without disturbing the Ammo Chips and Bio Balls? Also, is this the correct way to have the filter media set up?
  4. Thanks for your thoughts folks, I'll just keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't go into relapse or something!
  5. I have a Banded Gourami which I don't think is too happy. It swims kinda vertically, dragging it's tail almost but when it want's to it can still gain some speed and dart around the tank. It has no visible signs of any problem. Does anybody out there know what it's problem might be?
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