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Everything posted by shaz03

  1. Hi there thanks for that valuable info do you have a name and number of a supplier for the shrimp as I am willing to try anything, and I would like to give them a varied diet.(bit boring being feed on the same thing everyday)
  2. I have just got my sea horses, but i am unsure of how much food to feed them, they dont seem very interested in food at all.I have been feeding them frozen brine shrimp purchased from a pet store.I was told that is what they were being fed on. any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks
  3. Just to clear a few things the set up I am looking at running is as follows 180 litre 3 foot bevellied fish tank running a fluval 304 filtration system with plastic plants and coral.With sea shells on the bottom of the tank. and stocked with 1 pair of pot bellied seahorses (cold salt water) until I can get some more as they dont seem to be easy to get hold of. I would like others opinion on this set up good/bad do's donts etc as I am new to this and would welcome anyones input. thanks and have a nice day everyone
  4. salt water I am looking at pot belies 1 pair at this stage and then more when I can sorce them.
  5. I am in the process of setting up a tank and any help would be apreciated.Where do i get good quality food for them.???? wehre do i get tanks mates from???? and anything else you may be able to suggest.thanks
  6. hi I am interested in seahorses and I am in the process of setting up a tank, would appreciate any help anyone can give me
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