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Posts posted by newbiesteph

  1. This sometimes happens with cichlids some of them have rather aggressive relationships, how big was the tank that you put them in? It is always a good idea to stick them into a relatively big tank and put lots of hiding holes (big enough for female too small for male) for her to hide in if things do go pear shaped. It is more common when you just buy a m/f of a species and don't allow them to pair off naturally however it sounds like you had a good group so you should have been ok, are you sure you caught the right m/f?

  2. The problem is the new flatmates NOT the cat.. It's not the cat's fault it's owners are idiot's.

    Yes it sux that they deceived you an made you think that there wasn't a cat but I feel out of everyone the poor cat has got the raw end of the deal. If they care about their cat they should re-home it to someone that can look after it properly,living outside is not a very good life for a poor cat!

    If I was in your situation I would decline them to move in and find more suitable flat-mates.

    :-? :-? :-?

  3. Your confused smidey..

    It's not about Ryan having his foot in both camps it's a completely different situation..

    Dragon's bloods are line bread hybrids not just 2 fish say a yellow and a peacock x breeding..

    It is a completely accepted strain hybrid or not. :roll: :roll: :roll:

  4. Just searched through and found this old thread I have the tablets but have lost the instructions so cant remember the dosage on them.. Does anyone else remember what it should be?

  5. well im turning 21 next month and i have a 4yr old and a 2 and a half year old and a 2yr old step daughter... i think its better having them young when my mates are at home with screaming newborns mine will be at school and out of my hair.... :P:P

  6. We were in there yesterday you should have come and said hi.. We've been trying to track down some auroras and red tops that good for ages now but have had no luck unfortunately..

    2ft is definately too small for any sort of african just not enough room we got 4 of our best (and cheapest) africans through a newbie buying 4 and sticking them in a 2ft and them shreading each other.. I would say 3ft min check out this site for some general info on what you should stick in what sized tank..

    http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/q ... e_list.php

  7. If you dont want to goto that extreme you could try and get through the silicon using something small (razor blade or really small knife) and once you get through try feed some nylon etc through and work your way around using this to cut the silicon.. I haven't tried it but heard it somewhere and it might work.. Good luck

  8. It depends what african cichlids your tanking about tangs malawi's peacocks etc.. Some africans (like fronts) get to 30cm plus...

    Some more info on what your thinking would be good...

    And its also not good to try and breed africans as a pair as they're not pair forming fish and having 1 male to 2 or 3 females spreads the hate so you dont just end up with a male..

  9. Hi im Steph,


    Im new from West Auckland and look forward to getting to know everyone here.. Me and my fiance (ryanjury) have a few tanks now and its just getting worse the tanks and fish are getting bigger and bigger :o

    Hope everyones having a good day


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