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Everything posted by reef_man

  1. i spend mayby 6-7 hour a day on the internet researching these guys! my parents hate it cus they cant use the phone :lol: . I have found me a breeder in America Zebra Pleco L46 CHEAP. and yes that is correct but i am going to ask NZDiscus. Hopefully he will say yes :oops:
  2. depends on the price! i dont have a supplier yet sadly thow!
  3. im really disapointed but im going to only get 12-15 and breed of them mayby sell 3? if members want some MP me, cus 12 are from me and if you want one this could be your only chance for a little while before i get breeding them, 50 i think would cost to much!
  4. ive got my dad to write up a contract between me and the wholesaler!
  5. id hate to do this but only get some in for myself breed them and then sell them on :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: id hate to do this, but i sadly dont have $10000+ for just the fish! thats why i needed the deposits so i could ny them all in with them! ist getting doubtful that i can do this now :(
  6. i woudnt expect the full price, but i would nead a deposit, so nobdy asks for 5 then goes nah dont want them! also i have got my dad to write up a contract and i am going to get insurance so that wont happen, [EDIT] got his money stolen cus from what i know didnt have a back up!
  7. year, i know, but ive got to get orders to make this work! i nead amin of 38 plecos SOLD befor i can get them!
  8. thanks for your concerns but i have plent of money to do this, what is your problem with me importing these fish?
  9. wil do also regarding the price their going to have to be between $450-500! sorry thats what i nead to sell them at th cover my bases! who want sone? if you know of someone who would want one PM me NOW
  10. i plan to do this carefully, trying to make this work for the best, i have found a wholesaler! hopefully they have Zebras and are cheap
  11. thanks thats great, i also plan to get in some other rare plecos, so if their is an requests just ask and ill find out for you!
  12. ypu HOPEFULLY, also i just nead a place where i can buy them! LOL anyone have any contacts place them!
  13. I was on the phone to maf today and they said that i can import them, but sadly their are a few condiotions 1) they have to go to a licenced Quariteen Centre... 2) Maf can order destruction of any/all fish at any stage of time, only with a valid reason 3) They have to remain in Quariteen for a min of 3 or 6 weeks. i am going to find out how to get a licenced Quarteen Centre!
  14. im going to be contacting MAF today (let ya know how itg oes :bounce: ) also ill ask on approx bills and requirments.
  15. year does anyone have contact numbers for these Importers? id their any in the Waikato? also how would i make my own Quartine? could i set it up in the guarge?
  16. i meant 8 plecos (zebras) plus the extra i bring in for extra members. PM if your seriously interested in this, their will be some turm and conditions if you want one; i dont want someone asking for 6 then turns around and says NAh i dont want them!
  17. yes, ive contcted phillip (NZDiscus) and asked him about importing, but i am looking for a website that will let me buy them online? like the importers? and phillip (NZDiscu) also would this work in a 280 liter aquarium > * Zebra Pleco (8) * Discus (4) year their is a huge market in them, and NZ doesnt have a supply as such for these fish!
  18. or mayby get 20, 50 mayby a little to many, that means 8 for sale, unless somepeople want more i can order them in for you along with my batch. (this wont be for a while thow)
  19. yes they are $250 each but im not buying them from american pet shops, i am buying them from members of www.zebrapleco.com thay have some excellent breeders at cheap prices, i can get them way cheaper that $250 If maf keep them for a week wont they all die?
  20. reef_man

    Zebra Pleco

    can you inbreed with fish? also who would be interested in buying some of these fish?
  21. i would plan to breed them, and sell them at realtive prices to help me with the costs, who would by one at $250, not saying that would be the price but i would consider doing deals and trade as such. Also if someone could give me some ideas on importing costs?
  22. so if i wanted to import lets say 50 Zebra Plecos from breeders, how many of you guys would be interestd in buying some?
  23. How do you import fish? LFS do it all the time so how do you do it?
  24. reef_man

    Zebra Pleco

    Does anyone have any of these fish and is their any breeders that have them either, after sum!
  25. reef_man


    Tropical... but want kuda, barbouri (not shure) what should i do? i wat them to look beautiful? also my tank in 360 liter? i was thinking mayby 15 of either specie? and mayby two mandarine or something...
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