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Posts posted by jaymanson

  1. Thanks for all the advice - I'm going to give it a shot and set one up in in the next room I think, and see how we go!

    My tank is complete so it still has the properly fitted molded plastic lid on it - no holes, etc. All my fish are fully grown adults (5 angels, 2 plecs, 2 red tail sharks and a black ghost knife) - there's no little ones in there (apart from when I buy a few neons as a treat for Mr Shadow :o ), so I'm hoping if a little pyrethrin got in the tank, these guys would possibly have a better chance of avoiding ill effect!

    Will let you all know if there is any issues (hope not - I'll be gutted)!

    Thanks again :D

  2. Sorry if this has been asked before, but the search doesn't seem to be working!

    I have a large Juwel freshwater aquarium in my lounge. Unfortunately, my lounge has also yet again become grand central station for flies this summer - it's driving me crazy!

    In previous years, we've hung those sticky fly catchers from the ceiling, but we can't find anybody who sells them now and they look ugly anyway. We've also tried those stick-on bug-killer flowers for the windows, but they've proven to be pretty useless. Armed with my zap-bat, I'm the most effective fly killer in the house at the moment!

    I'd love to get one of those plug-in or timed release sprays, but they all warn that they are harmful to fish. Does anybody know of one which is safe to use? Would these be safe enough if I ensured they were not set up directly near the tank?

  3. How confident are you that the females are females?

    Very - the ovipositor tube is clearly visible on both. Females also have slightly wider bodies compared to the males, who have a more elongated body shape. If I was in any doubt though, my male's behavior towards them up until now has not been one of challenge as would be expected if either of the girls were actually male - he's definitely been trying to impress them.

    I'm not a newb to keeping fish - just never encountered this particular situation before. I suspect that one of my females (a Cambodian) is the more aggressive one, so I've put her in a tank on her own and reintroduced my male to the 40l to see how he gets on with the other one for now.

  4. Help! I'm looking for a bit of advice. I recently upgraded from a 40l tank to a 120l tank, and the choice to add a few more aggressive natured fish to the new 120l community left me with the decision to leave my male betta in the 40l with an old plec who was just being harassed by a newly adopted angel fish.

    However, he was starting to look a bit depressed (as I've seen happen to bettas in the past - not eating much, sitting on bottom, not making bubble nests) so I thought I'd be a mate and give him a couple of girls to play with. Well, only 5 days later after the girls constantly flaring at him and chasing him around, i found him dead at the bottom of the tank with the girls beginning to appreciate his nutritional value!!

    So, not to be discouraged, i go out and get Bettaman Mk II - an almost identical looking male - as I'm keen to move on to trying breeding. All has seemed fine for the last two weeks - he integrated well and was making a large bubble nest in a corner of the tank - but I woke up today to find him sitting on the bottom with almost no fins at all! He's not able to swim well at all, and is looking just as depressed as the last guy, so I've isolated him for now but am not holding my hopes out for him!

    So what do I do? Get rid of my obviously aggresive females? Get a different coloured male for them? Re-introduce him into the tank and hope they can work out their differences?

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions :)

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