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Posts posted by Karen

  1. Hi Linda

    Pleased to hear your discus pulled through.

    What dose did Ron suggest for the Furan 2, for future reference.

    I lost my Rose Red a couple of days ago and can't help thinking this may of helped instead of the droncit I used.

    The Rose Red was a discus I got from Ron a year ago.

  2. Has anyone any suggestions the best treatment for my female blue turk, she is dark in colour and has a distended tummy, I have been treating her and her two tank mates with Droncit, and now removed her as into a bucket with an airstone temporarily until I can set up a quarantine tank. I have antibiotics and formalin please help.

    Cannot post a picture as she is already in a blue bucket

  3. I run 4 Fluval cansiters 204,304 & 2 404's and have been for a couple of years, no problems with any of them. Very quiet and I love the way the levers work on the hoses prevent water leaking when carrying out maintainance, much easier than the 403 series.

    By the way I have second hand parts for the 403's if anyone is interested.

    Let me know.

  4. Has anyone had this problem?

    I have had an angel and goldfish with small stones that I successfully removed.

    I am unable to catch him, I have detached a large clump of java fern off the bog wood, and still no luck.

    This fish is so evasive I'm not sure how long he has been like this.

    His mouth is permanently opened wide.

    This tank is 900 deep, and I have to stand on a chair just to feed the fish, so practical solutions welcomed.

  5. My blue turquiose babies are dying at the rate of one a day.

    At first it was the smaller babies and now the larger fish.

    On Saturday I purchased Trichozole 400mg tablets from the local vet. These meds worked for the adults 1 year previous.

    I have reduced the tank water to 125 litres removed any carbon from the external filter and ground 8 of these tablets and added to the tank.

    Two days later I changed a little of the water and added 8 more ground up tablets. That was yesterday, I am due to add the final dose into the tank tomorrow, this has not stopped these wee babies turning a dark colour and swimming at the surface before lying on these sides and then dying.

    I am also going on holiday for 1 week and leaving the care of my pets to a friend who is going to visit daily. I had hoped to have this problem sorted before I go on Friday.


  6. Hi Aquaruim Dude, I have a tank same size and lighting as yours.

    What cured my tank of green water was a 24v UV Sterliser, cost me about $130

    My tank was fluro green and this sterliser had it cleared in 7 days.

    Good luck

  7. I have two discus tanks, one 280 litre and 425 litres, what I do when changing water is depending on which tank, siphon out the door or the window, and using the kitchen mixer tap pump warm water, changing half the water at a time.

    I used to use PH down for two years and now don't bother with any chemicals.

  8. I would like to hear from anyone who is using a uv filter/steriliser either part time to keep the algae (green water) away or full time users.

    I have tried covering my tank for seven days, and 50% water changes every couple of days. These two in conjunction did help a little but not for long. I have used algae rid which worked for me in a previous tank, but not this time

    I recently added a product call "Green - X" (phosphate remover) to my 404 fluval media with no sucess.

    In an effort to rid my tank off this fluro green algae I am now prepared to spend up.

    The tank dimensions 1300 long x650mm high x 500 mm wide.

    The tank has recently set up with new plants etc 6 weeks ago and houses 3 discus and 15 rummy nose.

    PH, nitrate and amonia readings ok.

    Water temp 30 c

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