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    Rats And Fish

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  1. Hi everyone it's been awhile I am wanting to know how I go about shipping Electric Blue young Chiclids to Winton and what i need to do to make it safe for them have never sent fish before so have no idea and how you get them there and with who and price involved. Thanks Djay
  2. djay

    Pond Help

    Hi guys my pond has gone cloudy and green, I brought a bottle of Barley extract dosed it with 25mls 24 Dec but still doesn't look much better should i have doubled the dose or something, could someone tell me. I have an internal fountain with foam filter. But getting a laguna external pond filter 4500 tomorrow as my other one packed up and having waterfall coming from that. Thanks djay
  3. djay

    box filter

    Help can someone tell me what the best thing would be to hold polythene air tight so the water runs down the outside of the polythene having a problem it seems to quietly seep out down the inside and not through to the pond could i just use water proof selant I cut the hard plastic container length out the i want water to go down the falls. but can't seem to get it water tight so it all goes back into the pond. Does anyone know what i could use thanks. the ponds alright it has 1800lph with fountain, I'm going to bring the height down of the fall as well .so it has more pressure. so the hose coming out from the pump is running into the filter box aat the top. Any body any ideas. Thanks
  4. Hi guys, Have been checking around to see what plants are safe for cold water and my Orandas in pond, doesn't seem to be many, I was wondering what plants you may have in yours that are safe. any ideas would be appreciated pond is 60cm deep. Hi what do you think of netting over your pond is it needed i have put it over mine ,but it looked better without it have a few cats around not mine though. Should i try it without if so, How far from the top should i have water level so they can't get my Orandas. Thanks djay
  5. Hi, I am making a fish pond outside Have got a wooden frame 115cm L x 95cm W x 40cm H so it is on top of the ground considering that i.m renting. I was wondering i'm trying to make it look good and work economically Healthy and cool for my fish and me. Lining any ideas what you guys have used. I am going to get solar oxygenator and fountain to save power. But still any ideas are very welcome. Thanks Any Help would be great Thanks
  6. Cool Thanks guys just wanted to make sure.
  7. Hi could some one tell me what i have to do to use Decapsulated Brine Shrimp for my fry. Have before always hatched fresh, so thought i'd give these a try Thanks
  8. Hey thanks guys, thats cool thy are quietly bouncing around themselves cool thanks again.
  9. Hi can someone tell me if i'm doing the right thing, I moved 1 of my female eye biters and in the net she spuwed out a load of egg sacks i think and they are moving around with fry connected still. I have put them in a fry tank and they are moving around, does anyone know how long they stay connected to that.And And should i be doing anything else for them. Thanks
  10. Hi nephew has a 120L tank cold with some Orandas in the water seems to be green did 1/4 water change but still hasn't changed. Could someone help any advice would be helpful, Thanks
  11. Help please Sorry not to bright 60cm H Could someone tell me how you workout the volume of water in a 6 sided tank. the measurements are 60cm long back, sides 25cm, sides going into the front glass 15cm, then 38cm across the front. Thanks
  12. Hi does anyone know an easy way of parting whiteworms from dirt mix for fish. Thanks
  13. They lived in cold water tank for over 2 years and as i said even bred so they can but maybe your area gets a lot colder there temperature didn't show on the thermometer. And i am not lying either.
  14. They will do fine in a cold water tank just make sure you climatise them, I have had Bristlenose pair breed in the cold water tank with swordtails & guppies as well spawn, and Albino corys there was no heater at all, But make sure you do your water changes and condition water, and all should go well. Driftwood and Plants.
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