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  1. You'll know the meaning of fear if you don't wipe that chopping board and knife before the wife get's home! Keep us posted with pics as they heal
  2. Don't be an anemone hog Benjamin! :evil:
  3. Me too! Let me know when it's ok to be picked up :lol:
  4. Bubbles


    And some video footage: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/story.cfm?c_id=82&objectid=10420791
  5. Bubbles


  6. So basically you're saying that you're quite happy for strange men to be seen carrying copious amounts of a white-powdery substance from your house?
  7. And yet you take issue with someone else who doesn't want to pay retail prices?
  8. Just noticed Sharkey's post, I'll do 5 if they're still keen for 5
  9. I'll go 10, seeing as you used my name and all
  10. I'd be interested in chipping in on a bag
  11. Bubbles

    Some Pics

    I've heard that powerheads can really ruin red mushrooms Nice pics, thanks for sharing!
  12. I saw this tank 30 minutes ago. It's not nice, it's OMGWTFBBQ NICE!! Whoever gets it will be getting the biggest bargain ever!!
  13. Hehe interesting. My purple pair love hanging out in my closed loop current (3500 L/h)
  14. 26.6 Tonight when I got home. That's with the heater unplugged and a fan running 24/7
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