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Posts posted by Mooloo

  1. "NZ needs a sex offenders register that anyone that is convicted is listed on (name suppression or not) and it should be available on a web page or at a local government office."

    The problem with a list like in America is where teenagers get it on, one may be 14-15 the other 17-18 and all of a sudden the older one is classed as a sex offender and his / her life is ruined. Unfortunately there is no easy answer.

  2. Aulonocara stuartgranti (Chilumba) female holding, must be something in the water. Makes now red hump geos, OB Peacock and now the Aulonocara stuartgranti (Chilumba) holding. Chilumba are nice fish with the colour on the tail. Also may have Lionhead babies (Steatocranus casuarius) but since eggs are laid on cave roofs hard to be exactly sure without upsetting things and moving rocks around which i wont do.

  3. Good or bad its an individual thing but my OB peacock is holding, will be interesting to see if she goes the distance as she is a tad young. Lasted 3 days so far but a ways to go yet.

  4. Ok dumb question time :oops: I have a four ft tang tank with a few small peacocks and 2 blue dolphins that aren't obviously tang's. The tang's are 1 x large and 7 x small Alt Comps, 3 x Lion Heads 3 x Julie's and a few Rainbow fish as dithers oh and 2 x catfish. Thing is last night the Dolphins were doing teh wild thing which is all well and good, just now i was checking them and unless i have really terrible eyesight it looks to me like "BOTH" are holding eggs. The dumb question is do both the males and females hold the eggs?

    Its now 2206 and another look confirms orange eggs in both mouths. The only fish larger enough to assist shall we say is two of the peacocks which will be strange considering they didn't partake in teh mating ritual.????

    Thoughts please :-? :-? or do i need to buy some :o glasses.

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