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Posts posted by trinity

  1. Thanks everyone

    Thanks Reef

    I will do a clean out, it will give me a good excuse to add the fresh stuff and another excuse to annoy my maroon clown........she does not like any sand getting close to her rock the anemone is on

  2. I am wanting to make my sand bed bigger (reef tank) by adding some extra sand plus some stuff of a bigger size (got it from pet shop yesterday can't remember what its called) but its for saltwater tanks.

    Can I just add it to the reef tank or do I need to put it through a cycle.

    If I need to cycle it, what would be the best and/or easiest process.

    1. In a bucket

    2. cycle it in my fish only tank

    3. cycle it in my reef tank

    I dont have much in the way of a SB it is purely a decoration but its getting pretty small and needs a top up. It is located mainly at the front of the tank

  3. Yeh....I know what you mean about the waste. I could not believe the size of the pooos that came out of my Blue Spot puffer, Compared to the little ones the Dog face was doing. The Blue is also a lot more aggresive than the dog face hence they are in sifferent tanks now. Mind you they are both still little babies :lol:

    What puffers have you got Hazzard, I think they are so cool. My dog face is already my fav and is very gentle with me. I can put my hand in the tank,lift him out of the tank resting in the palm of my hand. where as the blue has already tried to eat the end of my finger.

  4. Hey Trinity,does your puffer have a go at your corals and you anemone?

    My doggy is in a fish only tank that he shares with a Highfin Blennie. Would love to try him out in my reef tank, but the tangs is that tank would have him for dinner :evil:

  5. I understand what you mean Warren, but i know for a fact that the bac got into my tank from a new fish that was introduced.

    I am talking from a newbies point of view which was mine like the new marine keepers that are arround now. If you tell them bacteria cannot get into their tank from a fish, then you are misleading them.

    Misleading information has cost me a lot of money over the last year :evil:

  6. The chances are pretty high that you don't introduce anything like bacteria into the tank with new fish. Most of the time it is already there.

    It is just the stress of the move that weakens them, then they get sick.

    I'm sorry but I really dislike statements like that :evil:

    It is misleading for beginners and I was one of those, and is the main reason I got the bac in my tank then aswell. Which also cost me over $500 in livestock, incidently the fish that bought the nasty into my tank survived and is still alive today after I treated it with some med i got from the USA

  7. Lost a Sail fin tang, clown fish, Lawnmower blenny and long nose yellow butterfly fish :cry::cry::cry:

    Sorry for your losses Shaneo :cry:

    I went through a similar thing in Yanuary this year.

    I lost my pair of clowns plus their anemone, Blue tang, FIrefish goby.

    Found out the problem was from a fish that was added that bought a nasty bacteria into the tank. Since then I have always used the QT tank and I have not had a loss since. The $100 spent on the QT has paid for itself many times and has also helped me to not worry and keep my stress levels down :wink:

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