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Posts posted by SilverBlade86

  1. I am trying to get my Pennywort to grow horizontally rather than vertically. So far, what I've done was plant cuttings into the substrate. A few months later, each of the cuttings grew upwards!

    Now, I've just buried the stalks into the ground, hoping they would grow horizontally again.

    Any ideas how I can convert Pennywort into a carpeting plant?

    Edit: Found the official name, Hydrocotyle leucocephala.

    Looks like this:


  2. Sorry, been extremely busy the past week or so. Work and exams and what not.

    Sadly, all fry appear to have died. I was having trouble feeding them, and they didn't seem to be eating at all. They just slowly dropped of bit by bit till they were all gone.

    I'm gonna attempt to breed them again, this time in a smaller tank. Will make sure I get all the proper equipment ready before I try again.

  3. Another plant that needs to be id'ed:


    The one on the right that looks like tall blades of grass. I am wanting to spread them apart but can't seem to find a right way to do it. Whats the scientific name of it? It was sold to me as Cypress. Thanks.

  4. I really like that sponsor an animal idea.

    But don't forget that it would be an ongoing thing as people like getting updates on an animal they sponsor, so it might cause more trouble than its worth. Then you gotta pay for increased bandwidth on the net etc etc ...

    All the same though, if an idea like this goes through I would be keen on helping code a few bits and pieces there. Living Arts gets the funds it needs and I get a nice fancy bit on my resume when I finish Uni. :wink:

  5. It looks great :D

    Are you going to add a background?

    What are the fish with the stripes right along their bodies?

    I'm thinking of some kind of background color, not sure what yet at the moment. I plan to have the entire back heavily planted, so the back can't be easily seen.

    What are the fish with the stripes right along their bodies?

    Those are Kribs. The picture with the fish poking out of the cave is one of my paired females. She's currently in the cave taking care of maybe 30+ wrigglers.

    No... tiger barbs? where would you get kribs from???

    The new setup is far better, what is the grass like needly plant in the backgound?

    I bought it under the name "Cypress". I've searched online for ways to propagate it but the only thing that comes up are Cypress trees. :-?

    Thanks all for the comments. Really proud of this tank.

  6. So I've decided to tear down my tank. Here are a few pictures to show you how bad it is:




    So yeah .. I know it's quite bad.

    But wait.

    You know those topics where people start out a thread and you have to wait for updates every week to see how the tank is coming along? And at times they forget to update the thread with newer pictures and tidbits? Don't you hate it when that happens?

    Well this thread isn't going be one of them (sorta). Because I did the teardown 3 weeks ago.

    This is what the tank currently looks like now:










    Thanks to all who helped me out with this endeavor. You know who you are.

    PS: I swear, my water isn't actually green with algae. The water is actually crystal clear. The photos were taken with a 6 year old 2.0 megapixel camera.

  7. Got a few questions here in a broad range of categories:

    1. At what height is it best to cut Ambulia in order to propagate them?

    2. I have a plastic pipe in the tank that the Kribs have taken a liking too. They liked it so much they even decided to spawn there. However, when I originally put in the pipe, I buried half of it so there would only be one entrance. Now it seems that both parents are extremely keen on excavating the back part of the pipe. Why are they doing that and is it common behavior?

    3. I bought a plant called Cypress from Organism. I was told to pretty much just split them apart at the roots in order to propagate them. Is there a proper way of doing it? I can't see how to do it easier as I have to take the whole plant out in order to spread them out and it seems to me that I'll easily damage the roots.

  8. You don't want too many as they are not that easy to sell--a bit nippy.

    If anything, I'll just give them away. They look cool in a huge group though.

    Also, more than half the batch are free swimming. Will lower the water and buy some liquid fry food today.

  9. Yeah, I am quite keen on breeding them now. Originally when I couldn't sold them I thought it would be cooler to have a few more in the tank.

    So I tried breeding them ... and now to try to keep them alive heh. :wink:

    Edit - Will lower the water then. When can I raise it up again?

  10. Was trying to breed them.

    I was trying an unorthodox method:

    Get my 1.5f tank.

    Fill completely with fresh water, with about 10% mixed tank water.

    Heater set to 26

    No filteration.

    Lots of Java Moss.

    I then chucked in a male and female into the tank. Few hours later, I noticed them spawning and waited a day before I took them out.

    I originally thought it was a failure, but decided to leave the tank anyways for a few days. Checked it yesterday night and was wondering what those worm thingies were on the side of the tank. Looked closer and saw about 50 of those little guys. 8)

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