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    Palmerston North, New Zealand

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  1. yes is a she... and she didn't make it.... found out this morning... I rang a friend that's a vet and she told me to gave it a salt water bath treatment and i did it yesterday for 2 minutes... and didn't keep her in the fridge after that ... as that's what the vet advise me to do... The vet is more into real animals than 'fish'. oh well, she warned me as there is not much hope when they bloated...
  2. Here is a picture of it... what can I do to safe the poor thing! Well, I'm giving it a refridgeration treatment (~7'C) at the moment since the water temperate of the tank is about 28'C due to warm weather. Been in the fridge for about 24hours now.. still upside down. but it still have good sign of life. Is there anything I can do to help her?? thank you in advance..
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