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  • Location
    Dunedin NZ

PlecoMan's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Yay Dunedin Aquarium and Pond Society Can I join
  2. Thanks, I couldn't of said it better my self :lol:
  3. na got it from green Island pet shop in green Island wich is where the pet shop is located.
  4. Heres a pic of my lovly, stunning, amazing, spectacula, amazing, stunning fish
  5. Yes its all the time :-? I haven really seen her eat but Im pretty sure she does
  6. If you see any could you let me know Thanks
  7. My pearl Gouramie has been like this for ...mmmm... about a month or two. It Just floats on the surface like theres something wrong with its swim bladder or something. Heres some pics:
  8. PlecoMan

    Reef Tanks

    wow Those tanks and ones like it aways look impossible to me There just so colourful
  9. Hello! Im so happy I've found someone on this forum thats form Dunedin That makes a total of 3 so far (including myself) Hope I see you around sometime at pet werehouse (even though I dont know who you are :lol: )
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