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    fish and music

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  1. hi my guppy had her fry a few weeks ago, can i breed with this lot again or will the fry be deformed? like can two guppies from the same mother breed together?
  2. hey guys, great news, i jsut looked in my guppy tank and there are little fry swimming in there, im so excited, here i was thinking she wasnt pregnant, WAHOOO
  3. hi, thanks for all your help, at the moment its just her and tha male, i have had her for about 2 months now at least and still nothing, but like you said she might jsut wait, so i will wait and see what happens, tank is well planted and m sure she hasnt had her babies yet. do they only have a gravid spot when they are pregnant? i know that around one third of her body is ment to be black, but its jsut her gravid spot thats black? any ideas???
  4. can some one help me with some questions i have about my guppy, i bought her from the pet shop (wont say which yet) and the man there told me she was already pregnant and that she would have her babies in around 4 weeks, 4 weeks later no babies, this was the first time i had ever seen a pregnant guppy, so i didnt really know what she would look like just before she was due to have her babies, so i waited for 4 weeks and still no babies, i got told that her black spot (aka gravid spot) would get bigger and bigger the further along she is in her pregnancy, but this spot just stayed the same, so i put oe of my males in there with her (the other female guppy died :c ) i thought well i may as well just put him in there to see if he can get her pregnant, they have been in the same tank for at least 3 weeks now and i still dont know if she is pregnant, her gravid spot has gotten a little bit bigger, but if she was pregnant it should be much much bigger, please could some one help me, ive been wanting to breed guppies for ages. is it possible that she cant get pregnant??
  5. hi there, i was wonderinf if any one knows how to tell when my guppy will drop her fry, so then i can put her into the breeding thing i have (i didnt wanna call it a trap cause it doesnt sound to nice:) ) so that she doesnt eat her fry, and what the minimum amount of fry she could have, jsut an estimate will be fine thankx
  6. thank you. at how many weeks can i sell my new fish?
  7. thats understandable. i just thought that if he was on here i could quickly ask him . but i will try and get into contact with him. a question for you: how hard is it to breed guppies? i have been told that they are the easiest fish . but then i read on a website that you have to seperate the mum from the fry and all this other stuff.if im successful do i have to take the males and females out of the tank when the fry are born? i just bought a tank for breeding them so either way doesnt really worry me i was jsut curious
  8. hi i know this has nothing to do with this topic and im sorry about that. but is there any way of getting hold of the man from critter kingdom in chch on stanmore rd. his name is tim to the best of my knowledge. i seen him on here when i first looked. and this was before i signed up and now i cant seem to find him any where and i need to ask him something regarding his fish stock. i would go and see him but between work and not having my restricted yet and not living in chch as such there is no way of me going into the shop to see him. please if some one could help me find him i would really apprediate the help. thank you.
  9. hi my name is liana. i bought two bristlenose plecs a few weeks ago, so i was just wondering if i end up with a female and a male plec will they breed in my comunity tank? i cant tell if they are male or female yet as they are still to young and dont have their bristles yet.
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