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Everything posted by BRITE*

  1. Nope. Doesn't look like that. I googled it. It's nto red. It looks liek they are floating and are clearly attached by something... but it's hard to tell.
  2. I noticed just five minutes ago that my Female Goldfish's anus is now visible & there seem to be 2 small clear balls hanging from under it. She does not look pregnant either. Just yesterday we added : a glass catfish, 3 mollies, a guppy, & a pleco to the tank. Prior to that she had been by herself. Any ideas on what this is?
  3. My guppy just had babies, (11 but 3 died), and the breeding trap worked just fine. The fry are getting their colors now, and when the mom was pregnant, she had a dark spot on her.
  4. BRITE*

    Scale Loss

    He hasn't been rubbing up against anything. I'll try and do what you said.
  5. BRITE*

    Scale Loss

    I noticed a patch of about four scales missing from the side of my common goldfish...about a month ago. I have had him 3 or 4 years and he has never been sick. He is acting fine and just today I notice he is missing a few more. Not in the samse path but near it. It is only on one side of him too. Can someone help me?
  6. Thank ya mucho. All I hope for now is that the babies do okay. My dad used to raise guppies... it was his idea, however he isn't doing much to help. :-? Yeah so He's gonna buy a heater... I hope ASAP And all my fish are enjoying the peas.... and my sister too... she's been eating some.
  7. BRITE*


    I saw some kissing gouramis in a store and their lips were constantly going through a kissing motion... I can get a pic and post about identification
  8. Cold.... :-? I should change that. It is winter in the US and my house is cold... what can I do to make it warmer? Are heaters expensive?
  9. BRITE*


    I'm actually in the US.
  10. I got 4 guppies the other day. The next day after we got them, One of them started acting strangely. It would stay on the bottom without the ability to come up. When it came up it stayed way up and dodn't go down. It then died the next day. I separated the fish because at that time I didn't know the problem. They were in a separate part of my goldfish's tank. A book I read said they survived cold temperatures. I then realized that the water was indeed freezing. So I put them in a seperate tank from the goldfish and moved them to a warmer room. It proved unaffective. The next one was doing the same thing. It died two nights ago... before I knew of a cure... I found it on the bottom of the tank. It was like that before i went to bed. It wasn't moving it's fins or anything, but it was breating. Last night my 2nd to last guppy was acting the same way. I read here to feed it peas. It was really bad, he was beginning to stay only on the bottom. I put the peas in but he did not eat. I found him dead this morning. My last guppy is pregnant and I am worried for her getting sick too. She is back in the separated part of the goldfish's tank. (I put her back when I found out the air bladder was the issue, not the temperature) What should I do?
  11. BRITE*


    I found this site while searching for cures for a few of my fish. I recently got 4 guppies... 3 of which died within the last three days. I have yet to post about it in the disease section. :-? I have one goldfish (He is 3 or 4 years old )and my brother & sister have a gourami (Looks like a kissing gourami but the lips don't do the kissing thing.. I don't know spesifically what kind it is). Anyway, nice to be here. I think all of you will prove to be a BIG help.
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