Hi Andrew,
Wow another AUNZZA relic :lol:
Well my neck of the woods is deadly silent! That does not mean there aren't any creatures in these woods!!! It is just that they are very very silent :roll:
Quite a few people who were very keen 5-6 years ago just dissapeared, some started keeping other things (bettas!!!) or just turned very silent.
As usual the SKG (Sydney Killie Group) is going strong though.
I am trying to revive what's going on in Canberra and increased the species I keep to 13 with another couple in the pipeline. I am happy to say all 12 are producing eggs and fry, and the 13th PAL is growing nicely should sex out in a week or so.
I hope to have at least 4 people in Canberra keeping each one of the species to ensure they are here to stay.