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  • Location
    Canberra, Australia
  • About You
    Killifish, Corydoras & Mouthbrooding Bettas

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Oh well!!! :roll: Here it is: The image shows the two sets (one set has two small otoliths missing!) of Otoliths from: Aphyosemion australe Gold - Golden Lyretail For more info on Reading Otoliths click http://students.washington.edu/tejewell/otoliths.html
  2. Some hints: *It is a non-annual *It is part of the fish (obviously) *It is magnified quite a bit *Every bony fish have them That's enough for now Cheers, Serkan
  3. OK! Name the killifish in the photo: It is being kept and bred in NZ
  4. Correct but you cheated How do I know? Because despite what the file name says there is only one egg/embryo in the photo!!! :lol: It is Aphyosemion australe Chocolate
  5. It's not constanciae! Cees no cheating :lol: Aren't anybody technologically challenged anymore? :roll: I had to leave a clue somewhere
  6. Hey Jamos, Don't go!!! I was hoping to touch base and get some plecs offspring off you Bad luck for Oz, good luck for NZ Serkan
  7. Hi all, Since it is a bit quite here. I thought I'll have a game going. Identify the species photographed below: It is a species kept and bred in NZ. Have fun, Serkan PS: Yeah! I have a funny sense of humour :roll:
  8. Hi Andrew, Wow another AUNZZA relic :lol: Well my neck of the woods is deadly silent! That does not mean there aren't any creatures in these woods!!! It is just that they are very very silent :roll: Quite a few people who were very keen 5-6 years ago just dissapeared, some started keeping other things (bettas!!!) or just turned very silent. As usual the SKG (Sydney Killie Group) is going strong though. I am trying to revive what's going on in Canberra and increased the species I keep to 13 with another couple in the pipeline. I am happy to say all 12 are producing eggs and fry, and the 13th PAL is growing nicely should sex out in a week or so. I hope to have at least 4 people in Canberra keeping each one of the species to ensure they are here to stay.
  9. Hi Kyle, The species list of CKSG only includes species we have in Canberra. I have N.palmqvisti fry growing but I won't "count my chickens before they hatched" so I'll wait until they sex out to list it in the list. As far as I know it is the only Notho in Australia. We have whitei & constanciae in Australia apparently!!! But haven't seen them for a while myself. We seem to do well with Aphyosemions as some of our members like the group more than the others and they seem to do well in our water in Canberra. Also only Aphyosemion, Epiplatys and Aplocheilus are on our allowable import list therefore we tend to get some of them in if we are lucky!!! ~2new species a year or so. Cheers, Serkan
  10. Hi all, I am a killie keeper from Canberra Australia. Recently (Sept 05) we have formed CKSG (Canberra Killifish Study Group) in a hope to promote killifish keeping and preserve species we have in Canberra. We share the similar sort of dificulties with you in Australia in availability of species and preserving what is already here. Check out our fledgeling website at http://www.akvaryumhobisi.com/CKSG It's nice to meet you all informally through your posts. Cheers, Serkan
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