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    asleep on my couch (auckland)

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  1. well yet again an Occasional forum Member returns, I have quit my old office job and am now working outside for Siemens training to be a linesman its GOOOOD money so that means more new tanks are on the horizon
  2. tried something similar but it did not turn out because i concreted the whole thing did a PH test after soaking it in water for a couple of days and could not get the PH back below 8 i carved out the cervices in the rock face by hand with a very sharp stanley Knife and didnt slip once (yeah me!!) i will be following this thread with great intrest to see how you get on. and see where i could do better next time i try
  3. i have 3 tanks running at the moment a 2 x 55 L and a 370L i breed Bristlenoses so if anyone wants any PM me (mods if i cant say that please remove it)(just trying to get a feel for the place) The Snorkel at Kelly Tarltons was awesome in the main tank with all the Snappers and Stingrays (Edit --Why not put an advert in the Private Trade and Exchange section 2many?? Mod Alan 104)
  4. :bounce: ive been away for a bit and thought i might re-introduce myself hi 8) Been really busy playing tour guide for a person from another fish forum i belong to (dont know if i can post the name or link so i wont) and went for the snorkle thingy through kelly tarltons. which i highly recomend!!! set up my new tank and other than than the lasy 4 months have been insane
  5. 2manytanks

    Hey all

    ok after battling with an evil virus :evil: i have recovered the junker that is my pc and will hopefully get all systems go
  6. 2manytanks

    Hey all

    :oops: well i broke the connection at home (long story)but am trying to get it up and running will let you know how it goes
  7. 2manytanks

    Hey all

    well downloaded the latest java even tried the join your channel thing geuss it just doesnt like me ill have one of my computer friends have a look see untill then geuss its just posts for me (good thing right Pegasus :oops: )
  8. 2manytanks

    Hey all

    yes tried as 2manytanks im gonna have a fiddle tonight and see how it goes
  9. Now couriers funnily enough though fastway are owned or contracted by now couriers Post Edited. Please read the guidelines 2MT. Mod.
  10. 2manytanks

    Hey all

    well i tried and failed to get into chat something about an illegal name ive only been here 24 hrs and done something illegal already :lol:
  11. 2manytanks

    Hey all

    yeah the other half made me choose though i got her down to the 3 freshwater we have now (he he he girls love parrotfish) i kinda dont regret selling them as i have my oscar now ill try and post pics later on
  12. 2manytanks

    Hey all

    theres never 2 many but when i first started fish keeping i had 1 tank and about 16 spare tanks being repaired that i sold to fund my "addiction"(fish) i used it as a name on another fish forum i belong to and thought for ease i would use it here my fish include 1 x Oscar 2 x Parrotfish 1 x Redtailed shark in a 370 L aqua one A 55 L community tank And a 15 L with a Betta and Neons
  13. 2manytanks

    Hey all

    Hey all, just thought id say hi and be friendly
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