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karyn t

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    kids, animals, garden

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  1. That's what I thought too!! there is only one heater. I wondered if perhaps it may be from nitrates, as they do have very sensitive skin, and he has only recently abandoned his hole in the log, we have an algae eater - plecostomus- (we call him Dyson) man can they pooh, the thing is about 5 inches long. They also hide in similar pleaces to the Loach. Dyson makes the tank dirtier than all the other fish combined. I thought that could be a possbility. The melafix seems to be helping, the loach is certainly no worse than what it was.
  2. They don't look like spots, his body is swollen and then these things are right down the side of him they are the same colour as the loach until they get really big, then whitish, He is hiding this morning so I cannot see all of him, but his body swelling appears to have gone down a bit, I will hopefully see it better later. Maybe I'll try a photo if he'll pose for me.
  3. It must have grown too big for the hole then because I had put no melfix in until last nite when I saw it. Although tonite it looks less swollen and has shot back in the hole in the log. Can't see it at all. Hopefully he will be OK. His colour looks fairly normal. Pet shop said it could have burnt itself on the heater???
  4. I have had my clown loach for about 18 months, he/she was doing really well, a nice hiding place in a log in the tank for months, about a week ago it vacated the hiding place and then yesterday I discovered he has blisters from nose to tail, both sides of his body, this was not there the day before because I have been checking the tank each day as I have Platy babies going on at the moment. We did a 40% water change and added melafix to the new water. Does anyone know what the blisters are from.........
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