My discus, subject of the above messages have spawned for the 4th time. The eggs are on a magnetic glass cleaner, where they have laid their previous 3 batches. The last batch hatched into fry, this is the furthest I have got with fry so far. I noted the parents would swoop down when a fry dislodged from the nest, collect the fry in it's mouth and spit it back into the nest - both parents would do this. After a few days they moved the fry to a piece of wood. It was about the 7th day (I think) after I first saw the eggs that the fry become free swimming. I have a divider in my tank separating the 'family' from 3 other discus and some other fish. The parents would front up to the divider and defend their babies against curious discus on the other side of the tank. While this was happening, the babies would dart about, sometimes too close to the divider (which is plastic with tiny holes, you know the type you buy at aquariums). If the babies got too close, the non parent discus would suck them through the holes! So I put another offcut of this plastic stuff on the opposite side of the tank so that the non parent discus couldn't suck the babies through. Anyway, I did this one morning and when I got home at night I could only detect 3 fry. When I went to bed that night no fry were left. Now they have spawned again. I'm concerned that I am not doing enough for them. The parents seem to be very good at protecting their young. Should I be feeding them something different? I thought the fry fed from the parents so I wasn't feeding the fish anything other than what I would normally.