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    Photography, fish

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  1. I have heard that the fish like a little colour to the water anyway. But thanks guys have a great Christmas
  2. Had a small piece of this wood in a tank a while ago, it took the tank to PH 6.00 and stayed there. Just about poured in a bottle of PH up into it and made no diff. Tetras didnt mind though as they can live in water that is 4.0 PH.
  3. How far down will it take the PH
  4. Hey All I have just put some brown wood I bought from Animates into the tank after soaking it for a week (with water changes every two days) and it is still starting to cloud the water. I have put in a charcoal pouch in the filter but doesn't seam to make much of a dif. Also the water PH has dropped to 6.4 from 7.4 and the bits of wood are to big to boil. I only have a couple of Corys and a guppie in there at the mo as it is a new setup and needed to be cycled. The tank is an Aqua One 180L corner tank with a Aqua 1 CF1000 ext filter unit. Any idears? Thanks. Marty
  5. Hey there Have a wee delema, I have recently added two discus fish to my comunity tank and everything has been ok but the amonia level has started to go up. I have a 150L tank. With a aqua one cf70 ex filter unit. I have been told it may be due to the extra food that goes into the tank as I have noticed my self that the discus are very picky and messy eaters. Most of the left overs are hovered up by the corys (love those little guys) but I am concered about the Amonia levels as they are sitting at about .5 to 1 on the test kit scale. I have some Amolock but I am unsure whether to use this or not, dose it knock about the bacteria cycle in the tank that will be trying to correct the current situation. I was also told today to only feed the discus every two days, seams odd as I am sure its twice a day. they are about 10cm in diameter. Thanks Marty
  6. Cool, thanks guys, will trundle fourth and do it now. Tanks alot Marty
  7. AS in salt mixed with warm or cold water?
  8. Hey People Just bought a second hand tank and need to know the best cleaning product to use to clean out the tanks and filter gear just in case there is any nasty stuff in there. Thanks Marty
  9. MartyM


    Where can you get chorals and anemone's from?
  10. MartyM


    With slt water tanks whats the best way to cycle them? And if you do aventuly get an anemone, what do they eat
  11. MartyM


    Could you keep a clown fish in a Jebo 331 40L tank or is that way to small. And why do they need a large tank?
  12. MartyM


    Where can you but cora and anemones. Is coral a living rock. And can you cycle a marine tank with out fish or dose it have to have at least one.
  13. MartyM


    What other fish can be kept peacefully with clowns?
  14. MartyM


    Hey Guys I am looking at setting up a marine tank starting off with a clown fish. What is the best size tank that can be used with this type of fish. And are tangs compatible to be put in there as well. Thanks Marty
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