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Posts posted by bazza

  1. just remember the corn flour is the yellow flour not the fine white cornflour often used for thickening in cooking- most bulk food places have it and really cheap. The plastic mesh referred to I obtained from Spotlight here in Auckland but most sewing supplies should have it- can be reused for culture but make sure it has been well washed before hand- I let it soak in a bit of Janola and water for for a while to sterilise it before each use

  2. can confirm that we are talking about the same bloke would dearly love to know where he is residing now -all info will be treated with the highest of confidentiality as it appears he is no longer living at same address

  3. it would appear this person has done a runner,if anyone could point me in the right direction would be appreciated as I am still waiting on some fish that were paid for and still not received. My email addy is [email protected]

    If the person concerned is reading this then have the decency to contact me and put this right

  4. hey there Alan, have not met you but certainly can understand your actions re resignation.For what its worth don't.It's clowns who go around bagging other people who ultimately will be the demise of our hobby.We have already lost far to many species in this country to afford losing anymore.When any species is in short supply then they need to be given the oppurtunity to be bred on, not spread thinly on the ground so that ultimately others mayend up enjoying them.Greed and ego's need to be put aside for the sake of all who enjoy and partake in this hobby-way of life or we may find that one day it wont be there.If the behaviours of our government agencies are anything to go by ,it will only become harder to aquire species and unless we end up propogating what we can get whilst we have the opportunity will the hobby survive. Hang on in there we all need the likes of yourself.And yes I would like to join NZKA if you can forward me details please.

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