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Everything posted by chin168

  1. Was given the OK to post this very well and nice take photo by tanhb. Here are the photo of the winners in this 2006 Singapore Tetra World Discus Champoinship.
  2. No you are wrong, is not what you all think. Is whether the importer is willing to buy good quality discus. Order can be big or small, is all up to the importer. The problem is, this people only buy cheap fish, about US$2 to US$5 fish. For this low price is poor in quality. And what happen is they mark up the price so much that it sound like good quality fish. This people are money lover not fish lover, so they don't care about quality. The big problem is the importer buy poor quality and small fish and want the fish to look nice, but this kind of fish will not show much colours and patterns, so what the seller do is using hormones to being up the colours and patterns. In this way when the fish is here they can sell the fish fast, that why the fish died so fast. They don't care. :evil:
  3. 2006 Duisburg, Germany Grand Champion. Malaysia Aquafair 2006 Grand Champion. Malaysia Aquafair 2006 Best Internet Choice Award. Singapore Tetra Asian Discus 2006 Grand Champion.
  4. Yes, I have check and talk to council, that why I need consent. I have a garage on it own and a shed joint together. shed less then 10m2. ( Building consent is not requird: Does not exceed one storey and does not exceed 10m2 in floor area, and does not contain sleeping accommodation or sanitary facilites or facilities for the storage of potable water). So as you can see that fish tank need water and also I need a basin to wash and wastewater to go out. All this need consent. Alan, thanks for the information on cheap heating. I m going to built a fishroom inside my garage too. I will be using about 1/2 the garage. Love to have a shed like Phil, but not much land in my place. Talk about him, he got a good set up, but no way I will buy fish from him. So for the love of fish, have to do it right. Cheers.
  5. Hi, Any Architect or Draft man that have time to help me to draft my fish room for me to apply for consent or you know anyone that can help, in Auckland area. Please PM me. Thanks.
  6. NO NO NO is not the americans get all the luck. :bounce: The problem is some of the discus import here are cheap quality :oops: and the marking up price you won't believe . :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. New forum in Malaysia for discus. www.discus.com.my In this forum you can view photo of the discus in the AquaFair Malaysia 2006 which is going on now to the end of the week. You have to register and login in to view the photo.
  8. Photo of this year 2006 Duisburg, Germany Grand Champion. Cheers.
  9. Hi guys, Here is a photo of the discus everyone is talking about. This discus is available in Penang, Malaysia not in NZ. Albinos Cheers, Chin
  10. Hi Luke, Nice looking discus you got, keep up the good work. Cheers, Chin
  11. Hi Luke All the Turquoise in this page is breed by me. Cheers. Chin
  12. Hi Luke, I buy my discus from Goldfish Pogoda in Pakuranga. This fish shop have the most discus. Looking for inported discus: Brooklands have some quality discus sometime only, but not cheap. Aquarius OK, discus small but not so expensive. Others ????? NZ breed, Ronnie have the best. Cheers
  13. More photo to share. Blue Turquoise. Red Turquoise with patterns that looks like Checkerboard. Red Turquoise have their stripes evolved into Pearl-liked pattern. Cheers, Chin
  14. Thanks Guys. Hi Jettin, yes the golden have some peppering, must be from the pigeon blood Line. Hi Luke, you are right the fish room is warm, have to keep the discus nice and warm and.....myself??? hehe.
  15. Hi, thanks for the comments. Did't do it earlier have been too busy doing up my new fish room. Photo of my new discus room. Red Turquoise my 1st breed, left 2 for myself to keep. Bought this, support to be golden now red in colour must be the colorbits. Chin
  16. Spotted Snake Skin Cheers Chin
  17. Spotted Green Fine Line Snakeskin Cheers Chin
  18. More Photo To Share, My Collection. San Merah Breeding Pair. San Merah Juveniles Turquoise Juveniles Chin
  19. Some more photo to share. Com Tank Another Com Tank Blue Diamond And Babies More Photo To Come Chin
  20. Photo of my discus. Red Turquoise White Leopard Lady in Red
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