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Darryl Mcg

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Everything posted by Darryl Mcg

  1. Thanks for the replies folks, It's nice to know others have a liking for these wee guys-gals. None of mine show any blue markings yet so are obviusly a bit young to sex. In the morning when a bit of direct sunshine passes over the tank, I can definitely see the blue to come, but only in certain light and if their angle is facing away. Thanks RyanJury for the offer to do a trade later. I will definitely keep that in mind, as I think it is good for the strain to mix the bloodlines where possible. I also understand that they only live for about 2.5-3yrs. So breeding some will be the replacement stock later. If behaviour is any indicator, #1 keeps to itself and will chase off either of the other 2. #2 and #3 keep more or less together and swim cautiously around. #1 goes all over the tank boldly. Cheers Darryl
  2. Darryl Mcg

    Blue Rams

    I have recently brought 3 x blue rams, all seperately. from 2 x different LFS in Auckland. They have joined my 215Lt community, and I am hoping to end up with a pair. However I discovered on purchasing the last one that the all the rams in the tank were probably female. This was based on the fact none of these juvenlile fish displayed a clearly prominant foward dorsal. I chose the first 2 seperately and watched behaviour in the shop tank for attractive but less dominant types. I chose the last beacause the black striping was very stand-out and the behaviour of the fish appeared dominant in the tank (bossy female?). All 3 appear to have the same fin shape, variation in the black markings and a quickly sorted ranking of 12&3. Does anyone out there succesfully breed these little cichlids? I would like a bit of local knowledge if I am so lucky. Even the chance to buy a locally bred speciman, Cheers Darryl
  3. Also forgot to mention the smell under the hood is quite normal.
  4. Thanks for the replies. In bright light the colour is light green in the shade it appears darker (mmm). I have never detected a hint of purple. It can be cleaned off leaves quite easily using fingers and dislodged from the bog wood with a bottle brush. When examined close up it appears to be a weed, but very interlaced and able to be removed in blanket like segments. Hence my initial query could it be blanket weed? Cheers Darryl
  5. Can someone out there confirm and advise please. I have a 215L AR980 Tank established 12 months ago. Have never had any issues with sick or dying fish. I run an additional external Eheim Classic 2213. I do 20L water changes every week and 40 L every 3-4 weeks In the last 3 months I have noticed a progression of a darkish green coating appearing on any plant life/Bog wood that is above 3/4 of the water depth. At first it looked like a green stain. After several attempts to remove it manually and confirming it is definitely a closely matted weed of some sort. Any way no amount of vaccuming and siphoning has made a dent in it really. It is now starting to appear on the glass and lower plantings. Somthing is going on. Any enlightening replies most welcome Darryl
  6. Hi Doubie I have an Aqua One Ar980 tank, but the principal is the same. I have loaded the 3 available trays with eheim substrate and sometimes swap for a mix of substrate and carbon in 1 tray. As I also run an eheim 2213 I don't put carbon in the top any more. I use cheap filter wool cut to size on top of the substrate, and use the standard coarse filter pads on top. The spray bar unloads on top of this. As the little plastic stopper on the end of the spray bar was becoming harder to get off each time to clean, I added a 4" extension made from clear pipe that conveniently takes the end of the spray bar with a push fit. I blocked the end with a cap and silicone, and made 3 holes that are double the size of the holes in the spray bar. I found this encouraged the larger debris to clog the big holes first and extend the cleaning cycle to max 2 weeks (not always). When more than 50% of the spray bar holes become clogged, I simply pull the extension off with everything still running, and this allows all the debris in the pipe to rush out. Make sure you place an extra filter media to catch the goods. Every 3 weeks aprox I will remove and clean the bar properly and clean and replace the filter wool/pads. Good Luck Darryl
  7. The discus is eating frozen "Discus Tucker" . I feed the others first, give them a little blood worm and then empty the thawed discus block into the tank. The discus loses his shyness and comes right on out, and yes he does take a while to eat his fill. What he leaves dissapears over the next couple of hours. Will definitely get the colour bits and discus pallets as well. My water has been steady on 29-30deg for a while, so thats good to know. My PH is 6.4-6.6 and is so because that is the ph of the rainwater tank that I use for their water. Thanks for the replies Darryl
  8. I have a community : 3 clown loaches, 2 opaline gouramis, 10 neons, 3 rummy noses, 3 corys, 2 f/foxes, ? khuli loaches, 2 bristle nose, and aprox 12 platys (ranging from new born to adult.) They are housed in my only tank, a 215L AR980. It has been established for a year and is well planted, and sorted. Out of curiosity I brought an Eheim 2213 external filter and added it in combination with the AR980 setup. The water clarity basicaly transformed overnight, (not that it was poor before). This was the trigger to go buy that 1st Discus. Having purchased a red ??. (looks like a Marlboro Red) but is a bit brighter. He has been introduced to the tank and has been there 48hrs. After studying the situation closely I was pleased to see all fish were in harmony and had accepted the discus. The discus has serenely surveyed the tank and looks at ease. What I have realised is he doesn't appear to eat the flake or pallet food I use. He showed interest in frozen bloodworm (but as I feed that in a feeder to stop the platys gutsing it all,) he doesn't seem to have figured out how the feeder cone works. What is a practical, sufficient diet for a single discus living amongst platys?. Be gratefull for some feed back, Darryl
  9. Thanks for the welcome Pegasus, I did read your cautionary note in the welcome area. Too late I had them, and I did ignore advice not to. Thats part of the learning curve,(learning to curb the desire for one more pair of something). Vapo, relax, the gold fish tank is now moving back to room temp, gold fish and paradises seem to be getting along. From what Ive been told the paradises have right of way at all times, but they dont chase the goldfish. I did intend to move a sexy pair of platys and talk my friend into donating the gold fish to our indoor pond at work. However well see how things pan out.
  10. Thanks for replying Alan That was my concern i.e. infection of the socket wound before healing. The 23 degree gold fish tank was my idea a couple of weeks ago. I had moving a pair of platys to breed in mind. As the tank is my old one given on loan I was hoping to encourage them to go tropical. I was aware the paradise fish could survive happily in cold water so I guess the likelyhood now is to drift back to cold again. Thanks
  11. Hi Allan The Paradise fish now live in a friends 40 litre gold fish tank heated to 23 degrees. I havn't as yet had any updates on what is happening but I will check on them this weekend. My one eyed Platy and Golden Gourami are still in the tank. Is there a chance of infecting the other fish?. They don't look entirely happy, and the Gourami now swims a bit lop sided. I have added stress-coat to the tank (215 l) but have not applied any other first aid. Regards Darryl
  12. Hi There After ignoring all advise I purchased a pair of Paradise fish and let them loose in my community tank. After witnessing a couple of days of aggresive behaviour towards my small Gouramis and Platys I figured the pecking order would sort itself out and all would be well again. Not so. The male persistantly stalked my siamese fighter and would attack whenever the fighter let down his guard. The female actively stalked my female golden Gouramis. Then I noticed a Platy and a female Gourami had each lost an eye. I know the female paradise got the Gourami for sure, as I witnessed her trying to finnish what she had started. Also my adult 3 spot Gourami male has now spent the last few days hiding in his cave and haven't seen him out swimming or feeding. Yet I know he is there, as I can see in his cave. Probably related? The Paradise's are gone and I would advise people considering adding them to a community tank to think again. Otherwise aint fishing fun Darryl
  13. Hello Everybody have just joined the Forum and am pleased to see the amount of activity and sharing of expertise going on. I have been keeping tropicals for about a year, and have moved from a 40litre to 215litre tank (Aqua One AR980). Absolutely love the hobby and can't believe how attached one becomes to his/her fishy charges. My tank is probably a bit overstocked, but the water quality remains healthy and the community fish get along quite well. I have the following mix 3x Silver Sharks 2 x Angels 2 x Opaline Gouramis 2 x Golden Gouramis 2 x Paradise 7 x Rummy Nose Tetras 11 x Neons 9 Platys 2 x Chinese Algae eaters 2 x Flying Fox's 1 x Albino Pleco 3 x Clown Loaches 7 x Khuli Loaches 1 x Siamese Fighter Any one had water squirting out the back due to pump/Filter problems? I may be able to offer a solution. Regards Darryl McGregor
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