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Everything posted by Chickybabe

  1. You have discus and angels in the same tank?
  2. Hmm we had a drone in the beginning, turned out to be the little black lid thingie on the filter box wasnt pushed all the way in.
  3. mine sems to be fine.....its a little noisy but nothing over the top, although I have carbon in a filter bag in both sides which raises the wool to just underneath the spay bar.
  4. As I stated in previous posts, I have bought a new tank, now I need to find some plans for it, I was looking for tallgrowing plants as a background, something like really long grass. any ideas greatly appreciated.
  5. After looking at your blog, I have to agree about the instructions! or lack of! I ended up getting my hubby to put the cabinet together after all he is a builder!!!!
  6. I actually havent filled it yet, I am still trying to decide on substrate etc.!!
  7. OK so I have just bought another new tank...an aqua one tank, finally got it out of the box and on the standbut... can anyone tell me which way the filter wool goes... there is two white pieces and a black with the ceramic noodles, do I put the 2 white on the bottom of the filter chamber then the black on top then the noodles? UPDATE: Whoops just realised its a UFO 880 not a AR
  8. I have been feeding JBL Novobits to my discus for the past month or so, with regular water changes etc, but have noticed that my fish tank is full of orange crap... the water is orange tinged, the water pipes are all line with orange gunk, I am assuming this is from the food, but why would the food do this?
  9. I had white spot a couple of weeks ago, and noticed that even after several water changes the water is still yellow, is there anything I should be doing to get rid of this yellow tinge??
  10. Does anyone know if/where I can get hold of different light tubes for my planted tanks?? I have a Jebo R375 and tubes are 23" long!
  11. OK I have a jebo tank, apparently no light tues will fit the hood, Only JEBO ones and jebo doesnt make them in different colours only white, any ideas how I can improve my plant growth??
  12. I went out to local fish shop yesterday and came home with Kuhli loaches, rummies and a lovely swordtail fighter....put the loaches and rummies in my other tank and fighter in my 40L tank, anyway I noticed he kept getting stuck to the filter sucker thingie. so I thought I would take it off (DUH) and came back an hour later to find him stuck in the filter and dead . How can I stop this happening again! I have a jebo R338.
  13. No its only got 1 sword and 2 java ferns...
  14. Oh but it goes up and down and I would like to know how to keep it steady
  15. I have a Jebo R375 tank and currently have 3 discus and vairous other small fish 2 java ferns and an amazon sword, just wodnering what else I can put in the tank.
  16. I have peat in the fluval, I have just changed it so will check again over the next few days. Temp was 28 degrees but I had a power cut for around 14 hours last week, which was when I noticed the white spot develop after the power came on again.
  17. How can I lower my ph level in my tank, it sits at around 7.2 at the moment, I have peat in the fluval 204, as well as a 20% water change twice a week. Ammonia is 0 Also tests are reading a slight amount of phosphate, what could be causing this and how do I get rid of it. Lights are on for 10 hours a day and is a planted tank. I feed bloodworms once a day and dont use any chemicals other than aquaplus water conditioner, and seachem flourish iron for the plants once a week. I have added white spot cure in the last 24hours tho.
  18. Ok so I have added White Spot cure 288 drops!!! and do I raise temp as well? It says on the bottle not to bother increasing temp, how long do i leave temp on 34degrees? and yes it is a planted tank so I do not add salt , correct? Also how many times do I add the white spot cure?? I have just purchased some BN and had them in another tank alone for a week, I figured that was long enough for a quarantine period, apparently not!!
  19. I have 3 discus and one has developed little white spots on its fins. It seems to have developed since the power cut last week. I have heard of white spot but not sure exactly what it looks like.
  20. so I need to worry more about oxygenation than temp?
  21. I had a power cut yesterday from 10.30am to 8.30pm!! I watched nervously as my temperature decreased in my tank, thinking "what the hell do I do now!!!" I rang several fish shops to get advice but they werent very helpful to say the least, any way by teh time the power cam e back on the discus were at the bottom of the tank slightly slanted over, not quite on the side, I did a 20% water change when it came back on and heated the water slightly, is there anything else I should have done/could have done in this situation? I am off shopping for a UPS today as well!!
  22. I have just bougth another little tank to put some more fishy friend in, I have taken some of the noodles out of my discus tank, (in operation for roughly 18 months, now and put the noodles into new tank, and new noodles into old tank. Do I need to add some cycle to this new tanks as well? Also howlong to I need to run in before putting more fish in???
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