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  1. ilah

    Fx5 Noise

    I had a 'noise' start in mine a few months ago. Gradually got worse until the flow started to slow, noticed wear on the impeller so bought a new one, same thing happened after a few weeks so I now have a whole new motor housing with impeller so fingers crossed this one wont clap out either. Has been a very frustrating, expensive and time consuming affair but I really like the filter so want to get it running properly. Hopefully yours is not heading the same way. Try googling 'fluval fx5 troubleshooting' it is a pdf file and pretty helpful, just a process of elimination
  2. Very nice, well done :thup:
  3. ilah

    Whiptail I.D

    Yeah that's the closest I could find, cheers
  4. ilah

    Whiptail I.D

    Any one have a better idea of what these whiptails could be? Were purchased as 'black tail whiptails' from hollywood Cheers
  5. I dont think feeding cooked prawn would be any worse than feeding beef heart (the whole mammal protein/fat thing) but still seems healthy so can't be too bad Hasn't grown much in the last year or so, somewhere between the 50-60cm mark i think. Will try put up a pic sometime in that other spiny eel thread
  6. I have a fire eel that I feed on cooked shrimp (and a mix of other things)....5+ years and still swimming
  7. If you get a stihl you won't regret it, even a second hand one. Anything other than stihl or husky will probably drive you crazy. Plus if you would like to on sell if you stop using it, it is way easier with that brand name behind it. Just thought i should comment as i use them everyday, goodluck
  8. Probably L239, not a big wood eater but always pays to have a few different types in the tank so they can graze on what they like
  9. birds....cheep cheep... :roll:
  10. Hey thanks guys, here's the best pic I could get
  11. Don't mean to open another can of worms here but does anyone know what the plec's that came in with this common name actually are?
  12. ilah

    Oh dear..

    Think i was in the same shop yesterday. I found a loach flapping round on the floor which was probably from the wet drift wood left sitting on the wooden bench. Asked someone a question about a $150 dollar fish i was looking at buying, they didn't have an answer so went to get someone else, after 10 mins no one had come in the fish room so i left, pretty quiet too, so poor show all round really :-?
  13. Yeah i used the furan and they seem to have come right, i lost a few more but they were probably too far gone to save. Everything has been sweet for a while now so numbers are starting to improve, thanks guys
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