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fishy family

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Posts posted by fishy family

  1. well the white is all but gone so am just finishing up the 7days treatment on the melafix. He is in a tank by himself and I took him out and wiggled and checked for anything stuck and nothing there changed.

    However he is eating. slowly but eating.

    That is a good sign and he looks less like mick jagger now and more like mr incredable with the huge sticky out chin.

  2. oh you know that makes sence.

    the white is clearing up nicely with the melafix but his mouth is still extended and wide open.

    how the heck to I put his jaw back in without hurting the little guy?

  3. I have looked and can see right down his throat so cant see any blockage.

    He looks like he is pouting and is swimming around normally enough but with these huge open white lips.

    we have given him two doses of melafix and put him in a tank on his own.

    He isnt eating though.

  4. thanks Caper, yeah it does look like a fungal type thing. The fact that it is wide open that is my biggest concern cos I dont know how he can eat.

    We put some salt in the tank and a dose of melafix last night. I guess we will continue doing that untill anything changes.

  5. honestly the first thing I thought of when I saw this angel was Mick Jagger :o

    it is in my sons tank which has 2 angels 2 adult platys and 4 baby platys.

    His mouth is wide open and white. We are all worried about him but dont know what to do.


    Any suggestions???

  6. :) thanks Monaro for the offer, we are at least a month away from actual fish as he still needs to get setup and the tank cycled. I will take him into hollywood this week and get him to find out all he can about the ones he likes and will then come back here for furthur advice. :)

    The oscar site is great I spent way too much time at work last night looking at it.


  7. :o thanks I will do that.

    He was wanting a turtle but my husband got talking to him about piranahs then they were looking at red bellied pacu and I was left off in the nice peaceful fish corner all by myself.

    Guess his holiday project is researching fish. Can think of worse things to do.

    Thanks for the heads up guys. :)


  8. My teenage son is wanting to set up his first tank and is keen on Pacu, :-?

    I would appreciate any advice to pass on to him about it.

    What size tank would he need? What would be good tank mates for them?


    Robbie :)

  9. My rams seem to be setting up house and are cleaning a rock together and chasing off the clown loaches when they butt in.

    My stupid question for the day is, the rock they have chosen is on a steep angle and I am worried the eggs will slide off. :oops: OK now I have said it out loud I feel better LOL.

  10. Yes would have added it to the tank soon as i remembered and crossed my fingers. :oops:

    I bought a printed background for my tank today and my Siamese fighter is all upset about it (he doesnt like change) He is swimming or rather stalking about with all his fins and gills sticking out. He will get used to it eventually I am sure.

    We have here small plastic bags that 'zip lock' they could be really helpful for you next time you need to cool off the fishies. :)

  11. :D Hey Caper, have been thinking about your fishies

    How is everyone doing? You poor thing what a fright you had.

    I was doing my water change the other day and was poised about to dump a bucket of water into the tank when my son yelled out "WATER AGER" I had forgotten to add it to the bucket so well done for him rescuing my fishies. :o

  12. Ok no to moving anyone! :o I wasnt aware about the co2 prob at nights untill reading a thread here and have been watching the fish and they seem fine in the early mornings so gasping at all everyone just mooching around. I could always disconnect the hose at the canister end when i go to bed if there does seem to be a problem.

    Did a gravel vac waterchange thismorning and treated the tank with the blue stuff again and the clowns are looking much better and happier so hoping tomorrow will be the last day.

  13. ok umm could I move my neons out to my sons tank while I do the treatment? Or will they be carriers?

    If everyone starts hanging out at the surface I know we are lacking oxygen aye.

    will do the gravel vac water change and treatment again in the morning.

    thanks everyone.

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