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Everything posted by bowhunter

  1. bowhunter

    Hello NZ!

    you sure got that right caryl, to many sites and so little time
  2. bowhunter


    i've gotten all those as well caryl.
  3. glad to see that you joined us. in case you hav'nt seen it , i posted a note to ya. you can load your avatar . if you have any problems ,let us know. i was looking caryl's photo album, i must say , NZ is a beautiful country. i've added it to my " try to do before i die list"
  4. for those that may be interested in looking at our board, here's a brief summary of what you will find. as kluyu stated we are on the smallish side since our major meltdown in july. we lost thousands of posts and replys. since then, we are building it up again. we have quite a number of boards, something for everyone. from fish,birds, any animal, bug, yard and garden, to the kitchen for your favorites, to the internet board, where members post links to sites they think others may be interested in. we also have a chatroom, as of yet it is also on the slow side. please feel free to come on by if you have the extra time http://communitytank.aaquaria.com/boards/index.php
  5. hello to all, i'm from s.e.louisiana. currently i breed guppys and have 7- 10 gal tanks up and running. 9 tanks dry from 29 gal - 65 gal. thanks for the link caryl this post is short i know, but, this is the thrid time i'm doing this. the first two went to never never land i guess, and i type to slow to try with the long winded version again. hope this one makes it. ah, now i see that a subject is needed, and lost the others after jumping to a forum. i'll try and catch up later
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