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Posts posted by Shannon

  1. yep like pheonix said the bigger the cage the better. They are very social guys love company and attention. They are fairly easy to tame and train they love having a shower under your kitchen tap great little birds. Though I have found people feed them the wrong food they have a specific diet and can get a very upset stomach if not feed correctly. Theres usually plenty of lorries for sale on tm.

  2. yeah I would not be doing water changes on my tropical fish with cold water. What a way to shock a system coz I can tell you right now if my core body temp dropped by something like 6-10c I would be dead.

    Tropical fish need the warmth to survive and they are not like us that can make our own body warmth they rely on their surroundings and a drastic change like that is just insane for them especially captivity bred fish that havent grown up in the wild with flooding and monsoons etc.

  3. see its not the cats livingart its the owners, if people de-sexed their damn cats the kitten population wouldnt be what it is, also keeping your cats inside from dusk til dawn helps stop the bird killing.

    There was a recent study on the effects cats have had on our birds and gecko's its findings where not expected. It seems that cats are actually not as bad as once thought as they are catching rats, mice and stoats. These animals will go into a birds nest and kill everything in it. They are far more ruthless killers. The cats are keeping their population down. Still cats are able to kill birds and will do people should be responsible cat owners.

  4. dont squeeze him, I would personally separate him from the rest as he could have internal parasites that will definitely pollute the water and infect other fish. It could be a tumor but I cant tell from the pic, I would worm him personally.

    What is his feces look like, is he pooing?

    How quickly did this happen? what are all the other fish like? are they showing any signs of parasites? are they pooing?

    Is it a female? could it be egg bound?

  5. I think smidey is right, unless another demonsoni went a little cannibalistic and went on a killing spree. As they can be aggressive amongst themselves I dont imagine the yellows or peacock doing it (though its possible)

  6. are her vertical bars showing? is she showing any sort of interest in him? also is his bubble nest up to standard. Make sure you put a few places for her to hid in the breeding tank as well. She will colour up and get the bars and get rather fat looking when shes ready to breed.

    Put her in he may chase her a little and swim back to his nest then chase her then swim back to the nest and then she should follow him back to the nest and they will mate. This will go on for quite some time, when shes finished she will usually go and hide and he will defend his nest. Remove her and let him do his thing.

    Ive also found with some of my fighters they didnt like people actually viewing them up close (funny wee guys) they would get distracted and not do their thing properly so if your going to watch make sure you dont get too close as they could be shy. Where Ive had others not give a hoot whether I had the camera up in their faces or not.

  7. yep I use half a polystirine cup and attach it to the side of the tank so it doesnt float around, he will breed under the cup.

    Or you could get floating plants like ricca fuccian (I cant remember the name but it sounds something like that hopefully someone can tell you) and I did a lot better breeding with that in my tank than anything else as he liked to pic parts of the plant up and shove it into the bubbles holding it all together tightly.

  8. I found the gold gouramis were the most aggressive out of all my gouramis I ended up just keeping one gold and had a whole lot of different sort and they were all female which helped.

    When they come into maturity and are ready to mate you will see they get a big belly and look like they swallowed a marble. They like mid water plants.

  9. my dwarf gourami were sensitive little guys, they like perfect water conditions.

    Also what other fish do you have in there? are both dwarfs male? you may need more dwarfs to spread the aggression.

    I would do a water change check the water conditions and watch and see what the aggression is like the other dwarf may be harassing him to death.

  10. Im not sure but all I know is that is a big one. will have to hang out in the garage for the time being as I dont think my floor will handle all that weight. Plus we are renting and I really really dont want to damage their place!

    Im trying to talk my friend back into fish keeping but she reckons its too damn expensive in NZ compared to Canada.

  11. lol yeah hes used to the multiple tank syndrome now. I will hopefully get this tank in the next couple of months or so and then need to get it set up. The friend Im hopefully getting it from brought it over from canada with her she has 2 the same size both with stands apparently they hold 280 gallons.

    So yeah should be some fun setting up a tank that size.

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