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Everything posted by meris

  1. Great info - cheers to everyone! thats just what i was looking for Unfortunatly i do need to get all new lights, the ones i have seem to have a weekness in the switch, thats what has broken in both of them, both plastic and metal parts inside the switch are broken - rather than play with that sort of stuff, id rather just buy another one i want a light that makes my fish & plants stand out - so either the "atnic" one or the 6500k one should do the trick nicely
  2. this is a strange solution, but that happened to my tank a while back, and i tried all sorts to fix it, in the end i got a load of daphnea from the lfs, put them in a net in my tank, and within a couple of days the water was clear - then my fishies enjoyed a feast! Im not sure if it was the daphnia that ate all the alge, or it just went away by itself, but if nothing else works it could be a cheep alternative to try
  3. Hi everyone I have a 150l planted tank (with mostly krebs, a few harlequins & swordtails) and both my flourescent lights have broken in the last month. BF pulled them to bits to see if they are fixable, and they are not - im wondering what type i should get to replace them. I have seen tanks with black lights (uv) which look really nice - are they good for plants/fish? And what about different coloured lights, has anyone tried anything different that really worked? im open to suggestions! Cheers Meris
  4. Thanks to everyone for comments & suggestions, i have passed on your advice to my friend - she is reading your posts...i'll let you all know what happens with the shark. Caryl, i dont have a pic of the sucker fish, they are both quite small, she got them from the lfs, at the time she got the other fish, so i presume (& hope!) they wouldnt have given her fish that are not compatible. i've had a quick look on google for a similar looking fish, the best match i can find is Corydoras adolfoi but an albino version, as for her other sucker fish, i cant remember what it is, (it may be a pleco). i have never seen either of them go for any of the other fish in her tank (i like fish so always look at her tank when i visit!) thanks again
  5. Heres a pic of the sick shark - thanks for your help Dasher! Im not to sure how she cleans the tank, or how often...she is reading the posts, and is really appreciative of everyones help
  6. thanks i'll do that in a couple of hours, ive got to go out to a meeting now
  7. Hi everyone, My friend has a small tank with a sick silver shark, she is not a member here but would love some help from anyone. Heres the info she emaild me this morning: temp is 24, ph?? no idea but other fish r sweet!, 36 litre aquarium, 1 shark, 2 angels (1 big, 1 little), 2 suckerfish, 1 tetris and 1 kreb it looks like mould (that fluffy stuff on him) some of his tail is missing and it looks like there is a little wound (round hole) in his side where the fluffy stuff is. im not sure if big angel is being a bully. or if i hurt him when i cleaned them last week (cos he is a bloody mission to catch and jumps around everywhere) i just want to know if he will be ok, if him being sick will hurt the other fish? She sent me a picture, but i dont have another website to host it, it kind of looks like a growth between the body of the fish and its tail. Its quite large. Any help would be very appreciated! Thanks! PS, ive addes the picture she sent me in a nother reply further down the topic
  8. Thanks to both of you, i'll see what i can find tomorrow, fingers crossed this will work!
  9. i just tested it, it is at 6 I last did a water change (1/3) 5 days ago, and the ph was fine then. Im going to do another water change tomorrow. PS ive also tested nitrate and nitrite & they are both fine Thanks
  10. Hi everyone.. I have been having pH problems with my tank for a while now and have run out of things to try…im hoping someone can help me out! Problem: Tank pH is always low Tank info: Freshwater planted tank (aprox 150 litres) Substrate is mostly sand, some gravel as well Fish: Krebinesis - about 15 ranging from 2cm long to 5cm long Swordtails – 1 male and 5 female Harlequins – 9 Rocks: I used to have a variety of river stones in my tank, but have removed them all to try to solve the problem. Now there is only granite purchased from LFS. Fish food: cichlid granules and some flakes, fed once a day, small amount Tank age: This tank is about 2yrs old Medication used: Cycle, tonic salt, pH up, stress coat What I have tried: I have tried regular water changes, I have tried drastic water changes ( I have recently moved twice so have done radical changes both times with only one bucket of water being kept) I have tried weekly 10% changes, I have tried raising the pH with the “pH up†medication….i have removed all rocks not purchased from LFS. The tank has been moved from a dark room, to a light room to mid range light. The fish all seem to be fairly happy, they are eating as normal…they do seem a lot happier when I change the water, colours more vibrant etc. The krebes are breeding, so they cant be that unhappy, as are the swordtails... Does anyone have any ideas? I’ve run out of ideas. Thanks! Any suggestions will be muchly appreciated!
  11. meris

    sick kribensis

    I proped her up in very shallow water & after a day she was almost back to normal... I let her out & she hid for a day (They have dug them selves a cave in the sand under a large flat rock) & now is happy & healthy - doesn't seem to have any damage from the java moss Thanks everyone...
  12. meris

    sick kribensis

    not sure how old she is, i got her about 5 or 6 months ago, & she was just up to breeding age then, shes had 4 lots of babies(i think). @ that rate i'd be exhausted too!
  13. meris

    sick kribensis

    hi everyone, have been searching the net for help with my sick krib, & found this site, anyone have any ideas?.... i have a breading pair, & about 18 healthy littlies about 3months old. yesterday female was behaving strangely, isolating herself & hiding frm male. today found her stuck in java moss, i fished her out & put her in a net isolation container. she's gulping, lying on her side, sometimes upside down. also strugling to get to surface (kind of standing on tail) have tried a salt bath - no improvement & 10% water change - also no improvement... right now have her in v shallow water, proped upright with some java moss, she falls over if put in deeper water. have been told it could be swim bladder? :-? male has gone into hiding & wont come out of the cave they "own" also in tank: 8 harlequins & 8 swordtails. (all of wich seem healthy) Tank is aprox 150l & has been running aprox 1yr any ideas? please help!!!!! - Meris
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