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Everything posted by Av

  1. Does anyone know the planting depth for this plant??? :roll:
  2. Av

    algae problem

    where can i find black taro?? :-?
  3. Anyone know where i can get hold of some, :bounce:
  4. Av

    algae problem

    I have an outside pond which is now starting to grow with algae....has bronze comets in there ..any possible suggestion to get rid of the algae :-?
  5. Does any know what are breeding conditions for redeared turtles...when where and how :roll:
  6. Av

    Mosquito larvae

    Are there any fish that can be used to get rid of mosquito larvae from a medium sized pond.. :-?
  7. Is a pond pump or filter needed for an outside pond that has turtles in it?? :-?
  8. Av


    Does anyone know where they sell pre- mounlded (the ones in plastic i htink)ponds at cheap prices..cheers
  9. Av


    so do they actually hibernate during the winter months..or are they active..how deep is your pond?? and how old are the turtles??
  10. Hi, Does anyone know if snake neck turtles or redeared turtles can be raised in an outside pond..cheers :bounce:
  11. Av

    Drift wood

    Thanks for the advise
  12. Av

    Drift wood

    got some drift would from the beach..nicely washed. Would like to put in my fresh water tank. Any idea as to how long I should soak it in a bucket of freshwater for??
  13. Av

    Pleco and Gold fish

    Hey...is it ok to put Pleco's with goldfish???....
  14. its really sad to hear about what happend to your pleco.s catbrat
  15. what are the best fish foods available for plecos...im not sure about what they eat??
  16. Hi there...does anyone know where i can buy..........Plecostomus(Queen Arabesque Plecostomus)...one like this guy... http://www.aquariumfish.net/images_01/q ... _pleco.jpg Or Bushy Nose Plecostomus or Gold Nugget Plecostomus. Im in Auckland..so sellers in auckland would be good....cheers guys.
  17. Hi there...does anyone know where i can buy..........Plecostomus(Queen Arabesque Plecostomus)...one like this guy... http://www.aquariumfish.net/images_01/q ... _pleco.jpg Or Bushy Nose Plecostomus or Gold Nugget Plecostomus. Im in Auckland..so sellers in auckland would be good....cheers guys.
  18. Just wondering...i saw this Hagan thermal pre-set aquarium heater 300w. Would it be too much for my 60L tank? cheers...BTW what is a pre-set heater?? thanks
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