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  • Acanthurus achilles

    • Achilles Tang


      The Achilles Tang is from the Western Pacific from the Hawaiian to Pitcairn islands, it is territorial to others of it's own species or other Tangs but reef compatible otherwise and peaceful towards other fish and invertebrates. It can be difficult to keep in captivity.as it prefers very large tanks with lots of swimming space and good flow as in the wild it lives in the surge zone of the reef,

       Diet Min. Tank Size 300 litres.

      Size 17 to 20cm.

      Sg 1.020 - 1.025

      pH 8.0 - 8.4

      Temp. 22.2-23.9°C

      Water Hardness 8-12 °d

      Stocking Ratio 1:1 M:F


      Diet Herbivore - Pellet Foods, Flake Foods, Algae discs, primarily grazes on algae, provide a healthy established reef system and supplement with foods such as spirulina. May accept small meaty foods like brine shrimp.


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