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  • Arothron nigropunctatus

    • Black spotted Puffer

      Dog Face Puffer


      The Black Spotted Puffer comes from the Indo Pacific region, most puffers are toxic to eat and can become very territorial as they age. All puffers are big eaters and require good filtration and clean water conditions asthey are sensitive to ammonia and nitrites.. .

      Not Reef compatible Will eat Sponges and some corals.

      Min. Tank Size 200 litres.

      Size  33 cm

      Sg 1.020 - 1.025

      pH 8.1 - 8.5

      Temp. 23 -28 °C

      Water Hardness 8-10 °d

      Diet Omnivore .Will accept prepared and frozen foods, Feed on corals (usually Acropora tips), crustaceans, mollusks, sponges, tunicates and algae.

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