Databases compiled from the Ministry of Primary Industries list of Tropical fish allowed to be imported into New Zealand.
Freshwater Fish A toH. Freshwater Fish I to Z. Tropical Marine Fish .
Killifish on list Marine Invertebrates. Exotic Reptiles and Amphibians
Acanthurus chronixis
Chronixis Surgeonfish
The Half Black Tang is from the Indo – Pacific region and is a semi aggressive fish that needs lots of swimming space and live rock to graze on.
Min. Tank Size 500 litres
Size 20 to 26cm
Sg 1.020 - 1.025
pH 8.2 - 8.4
Temp. 22 to 25 °C
Water Hardness 8-12 °d
Stocking Ratio 1:1 M:F
Diet Herbivore Pellet Foods, Flake Foods, and Algae based foods.
Life Span 5-8 years