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  • Pseudanthias ignitus


      Flame Anthias


      This fish is from the Indo West Pacific region.

      Reef compatible. ..Anthias species are all hermaphrodites, If a dominant male perishes the largest female of the group will often morph to take its place.

      A timid fish that does best with other non agressive species.

      Min. Tank Size 100 litres.plus

      Size  9 cm

      Sg 1.020 - 1.025

      pH 8.1 - 8.5

      Temp. 23 -28 °C

      Water Hardness 8-10 °d

      Diet carnivore Once acclimated they do best on a varied diet of frozen mysis, brine shrimp, and over time may learn to eat flake foods, a refigium for cultivating copepods and amphipods helps provide live food sure to keep this active planktivore content.

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