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  • Amphiprion percula

    • Clownfish Percula


      The Percula has brighter orange coloration, thicker black bands, and orange eyes than Ocellaris and comes from the Western Pacific Ocean, Clownfish pair off with the female being larger than the male and most forma symbiotic relationship with Anemones.

      A pair can become very Territorial and generally only one pair per Tank.

      Reef compatible

      Min. Tank Size 100 litres.

      Size  11 cm

      Sg 1.020 - 1.025

      pH 8.1 - 8.5

      Temp. 23 -28 °C

      Water Hardness 8-10 °d

      Diet Carnivore Likes live food such as  invertebrates,, glass shrimp, mosquito larva, and daphnia.Will accept prepared and frozen foods.

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