Databases compiled from the Ministry of Primary Industries list of Tropical fish allowed to be imported into New Zealand.
Freshwater Fish A toH.
Freshwater Fish I to Z.
Tropical Marine Fish .
Killifish on list
Marine Invertebrates.
Exotic Reptiles and Amphibians
Brown Topknot,
Brown and Cream variegated markingss, fins have translucent patches that resemble holes in seaweeds. The body is flattened to resemble a piece of seaweed.
- Scientific Name: Notoclinus compressus,
- Habitat: Usually found in rock pools and from low water to depths of about 5 m, in reef areas of broken rock and large brown seaweed of genera Carpophyllum and Cystophora. Â
- Temperament: Peaceful, Easy to keep in a mature system if you can supply live foods.
- Tank Age/Maturity: 100 litres At least six months old Preferably longer to establish a Pd population
- Diet: They need live food as they feed on small crustaceans, such as amphipods, in the aquarium they can be fed on live mysid Shrimp, mosquito wrigglers, daphnia and whiteworms (very fatty) and hatched brineshrimp.
- Threatened Species: N/A
- Special Requirements: Easily out competed for food by faster fish, does well with Weed fish and seahorses.Pipefish should only be kept in a mature, cycled marine aquarium. Their tank must have gentle to moderate currents for them as they are not strong swimmers and to enable them to be able to feed properly. Very hard to get to accept frozen foods
- Size: 8.5cm