Databases compiled from the Ministry of Primary Industries list of Tropical fish allowed to be imported into New Zealand.
Freshwater Fish A toH.
Freshwater Fish I to Z.
Tropical Marine Fish .
Killifish on list
Marine Invertebrates.
Exotic Reptiles and Amphibians
N.Z. Native Marine Fish
A guide to some of the common Flaura and Flora from around the N.Z. coastline, and keeping them in aquariums.
Anemone - Dahlia
Isocradactis magna
A large anemone with a large round disk that comes in a wide colour variation from white to bright pink.Anemone - Jewel
Corynactis haddoni
The jewel anemone is named for its brilliant range of colouration, Individuals may be bright orange, red, green, pink or white and the tentacles are usually contrasting...Anemone - Red Beadlet or Waratah
Actinia tenebrosaWhen closed it shows only its dark brown-red outer surface, when open it shows a lighter red colour. This species releases well-developed young anemones through the mouth, which...
Banded Coral Shrimp
The Banded Coral Shrimp has striking colouration with the body and tail banded in red and white and covered in small spines, they can grow up to 60mm in body size with the antennae and periopods...
Black Angel
New Zealands true angel, starts life vibrantly coloured like tropical Parma species - they are a neon blue and yellow which slowly changes to jet black with a white ear patch.
Blue Cod
Young fish are blotched in varying shades of brown. Adults are usually green to blue-black above, with white on the belly. Can grow to 60cm and weigh up to Young fish are...
Blue Maomao
Bright blue as an adult, but silver with yellow spots and fins as a youngster.
Bluenose, Warehou
A deep water fish, can be caught as in a harbour where they come in on the current.
Bridled goby
Arenigobius bifrenatus
Bridled goby is a burrowing coastal and estuarine goby self introduced from temperate areas of Australia.Brown Topknot,
Brown and Cream variegated markingss, fins have translucent patches that resemble holes in seaweeds. The body is flattened to resemble a piece of seaweed.
Butterfly Perch
A pinkish coloured fish with a speckling of small black spots, a large black spot on sides, bluish hints around the head.
Carpet Shark
The Carpet Shark or Draughtsboard shark get its name as many of them have blotchy patterns on the upper side reminiscent of a carpet. They are endemic to New Zealand coastal waters and are found...
Cephalopoda - Pacific Bobtail squid
Bobtail squid are closely related to cuttlefish, but tend to have a rounder mantle and have no cuttlebone. They have eight suckered arms and two tentacles and are generally quite small (typical...
Clingfish - Hectors
Green clingfish
Clingfish have modified pelvic fins which act as suckers to hold them onto rocks in wave action.
Cnidarians - Cup Coral
New Zealand Cup corals has a hard limestone cup to protect its soft body.Usually coloured orange to red. Shell on the left is a brachiopod, lamp shell ID rexi66
Cnidarians - Deadmans Fingers.
Our only true coral an orangey yellow soft coral similar to finger leathers, long white polyps, lighting: non-photosynthetic but grows in deeper water so would be use to lower light...
Common Weedfish
Body slender and flat with clear fin membrane patches. The colour is variable, often reddish-brown or greenish, with about seven broken bars extending onto dorsal and anal fins;...
Crested Blenny.
An endearing little fish that lurks in rockwork and grazes algae from its surface. Often found with just their heads protruding from a favourite hole. Can grow to...
Crested Weedfish
Description: Resembles a piece of seaweed with a large crest on its forehead. Its body is long, slender and very flat. The colour can be mottled, reddish-brown to green...
Demoiselle (New Zealand Demoiselle)
New Zealands true damsel, have a round shaped body that is a dark blue with a white spot behind the gill cover. The demoiselle juveniles are a dark green colour and change to a bluish...Goatfish, Red Mullet
Can easily be identified by the twin barbells on its chin. These are used to sift in the sand to find prey. Has the ability to make quick changes of colour and pattern –...Hiwihiwi
Lovely patterned native fish, small beak like mouth. Bown and white patterns. Grows to 25-30cm.
John Dory
A very thin, disc shaped fish. Body and fins are olive brown with green-brown wavy stripes and a golden sheen. A large central dark spot ringed with silver is present on each side...
The Kahawai has a dark bluish-green body , indistinct rows of spots forming narrow irregular bands on upper sides. Juveniles have golden bars on the upper sides that break up into spots in...
Diamond shaped fish with brown leathery skin and extendable trigger above dorsal fin. Can change colours in camouflage patterning depending on the mood.
Long snout pipefish
Long thin pencilfish with a long dorsal fin used for propulsion and a slender long tail that lacks a fin.
Longnose Weedfish
Compressed body, very long snout which is pointed. First dorsal fin is tall, short based and arises just behind the eyes. Colour varies from reddish to brown, usually with...
Monoplex whelk
Monoplex australasiaeThe monoplex whelk is easily recognised as it has a hairy external skin and the shell opening is beautifully marked with orange and brown stripes.
New Zealand Pot Bellied Sea Horse
One of the largest seahorses with a large stomach. Their bodies are well camouflaged, with colours in individuals ranging from brown, yellow, grey, white, orange or mottled, with dark...New Zealand rockfish
Veryeasy fish to keep but predatory, can be found under rocks above the low tide mark.
Nudibranch - Clown
The Clown Nudibranch has a white body which is patterned with orange and purple spots on its back. The gills and rhinophores are crimson-purple in color. They grow up to 60 mm in length.
Nudibranch - Gem
It is a brownish colour with blue spots on a brown background, the gills are tipped with blue and it has a pronounced skirt on its edge.
Nudibranch - Tritonia.
Usually pale to deep orange, this nudibranch has a row of gills on either side of its body. It grows up to 12cm.
Nudibranch - Variable Dorid
It has many colour variations between white, brown and black.
Nudibranch Warty sea slug
Warty sea slug Archidoris WellingtonensisDifficulty:MediumDescription:The largest of our nudibranchs and may grow up to 12 cm long. Dull yellow to brown body with the back covered in large...
Octopus huttoni
Octopus huttoni, Octopus (Smaller)OCTOPUS HUTTONI INVERTEBRATEThe smaller octopus - octopus huttoni are usually seen about the size of your fist, and tend to be more frequently sighted on...
Orange clinid
Body orangey brown with variegated markings, white stripe on forehead. The body is flattened to resemble a piece of seaweed. Grows to 10.5 cm.
Painted prawnÂ
The Painted Prawn is covered in small longitudinal red and blue lines giving it a brownish appearane.
A dark brownish-green coloured fish with narrow darker vertical bands. Slow growing.
Porcupine Fish
The body colour is grey-brown with a white stomach and irregular blackish patches on the back and sides and the head is large and bony and the body is long, tapered and covered in spines. When...
Red Crayfish, Koura, Red Rock Lobster
A reddish crustacean with long antenna. Weighs around 8kg fully grown.Red Gurnard
Body slender; head large, bony; Reddish to greyish brown above, pale below; fan-like pectoral fins green with blue spots, grows to 50 cm.
Red Moki
White fish with several black vertical stripes on body, rubbery lips and large pectoral fins. Weighs up to 3kgs.
Reef Star
A large star with a varying number of arms; normally 10, 11, or 12. Colour varies from brown to grey. Reaches a span of about
Rock Cod, Bearded Cod
The Rock Cod is yellow-grey to red-brown with white fin margins. It has an eel shaped body which is covered with tiny cycloid scales. There is a barbel on the chin and juvenile fish are black in...
Rosy Weedfish
Body is orangey brown with variegated markings. Fins have translucent patches that resemble holes in seaweeds. The body is flattened to resemble a piece of seaweed....
Sargassum weedfish
The sargassum fish, anglerfish, or frog fish, Histrio histrio,[3] is a frogfish of the family Antennariidae, the only species in its genus. It...
Scarlet WrasseÂ
The Scarlet wrasse is an elongate fish of typical wrasse shape. Young fish have a red head and horizontal redish and white lines on their sides, with three pale orangish spots at the base of...
Splendid Perch and Allports Perch
A brilliantly coloured fish of pink, golden, yellow, orange and red. The caudal fin is red and all other fins are orange. The Allports perch has a slightly more subdued colouration.
Spotty, Paketi
The Spotty is a typical elongate wrasse shape. It has a protruding mouth with noticeable teeth. The body is a creamy colour with brown flecks over it and a large black spot on each...
Starfish - Ambush Star
Looks like the common cushion star but is very colourful and can be found in a range of colours and spots, (yellow purple orange white red blue/green).Able to raise itself on its legs to form a...
Starfish - Comb Star
Five arms, disc radius ~ 1/5 the length of the arms. Upper surface carpeted with small spines, marginal plates obvious and carry pointed spines. Plates in angle between arm and disc...
Starfish - Cushion Star
The common cushion star is a five legged star it can be colourful and can be found in a range of colours yellow purple orange white red blue/green.
Starfish - Oar Star
Generally a blackish red shade with its legs covered in flat spines that give it its name. It is a very fast moving brittle star.
Similar to Blue Maomao but gray as an adult, silver with red spots on belly as a youngster.
Silvery fish with black mark behind head, rubbery lips and large pectoral fins. Can weigh up to 3kg.
Triplefin - Oblique-Swimming
The body is orange-brown with a red tinged head, a black eye and a wide black lengthwise stripe on each side. The only triplefins to spend most of their time swimming in loose schools,...
Triplefin - Blue Dot
Yellow orange head covered with large bright red spots back as far as the first dorsal fin. Upper half of body is a series of dark blue-black square areas, with an iridescent blue spot...
Triplefin - Blue-eyed
Small triplefin with striking colours. Black vertical stripes on a white body with reddish fins. Gets its name from its bright blue eyes
Triplefin - Common
Hardy bottom dweller in the aquarium, can be very territorial during breeding season October to February
Triplefin - Mottled Twister
Mottled Twister are small fish that enliven the tank, they are a mottled pattern of dark and light with speckling of red on their backs.
Triplefin - Spectacled
The spectacled triplefin is the only species in the genus Ruanoho. It's head is flattened with large eyes surrounded by a dark band giving rise to its common name. The...
Triplefin - Variable
Variable triplefin are small fish that enliven the tank. They are a mottled red brown colour with seven different coloured saddles on their backs. Breeding males have a bright blue tip...
Triplefin - Yaldwins .
Stunning coloured triplefin. The male ranges from bright orange fading to yellow, the female is duller but has a lovely spotted pattern.
Triplefin - Yellow-and-Black
Black head and tail, while the rest of the body is bright yellow.
Urchin - Green, Maori name Kina.
Evechinus chloroticus, better known as kina Has a greenish Test or shell with brownish spines.
Urchin - Purple spined urchin
A short spined Urchin that can be found in various shades of light purple or Mauve.
Warehou, Bluenose
The Blue Warehou, Common Warehou, or Bluenose (Seriolella brama), is found off southern Australia and around New Zealand,
Wide-bodied pipefish
Body deeper and looks flattened in females, males are more slender. No tail fin.
Wrasse - Banded
It is a typical elongate wrasse shape with the body coloured in alternate green and yellow-brown bars running in wide vertical bands along its length. Young fish start are a redish brown colour...
Wrasse - Moon or Lunar Wrasse
Typical elongated wrasse shape with the body dark green to blue. Its head is green to blue with irregular pink to violet.
Wrasse - Orange
Orange wrasse goes through different colour phases depending on their age and sex, It’s colours are highly variable from grey to brown to bright orange and red-brown. Males have black and...
Wrasse - Sandagers Wrasse
Coris sandeyeri, Sandager's wrasse, is a species of wrasse native to the southwestern Pacific Ocean from Australia to New Zealand and...