Databases compiled from the Ministry of Primary Industries list of Tropical fish allowed to be imported into New Zealand.
Freshwater Fish A toH.
Freshwater Fish I to Z.
Tropical Marine Fish .
Killifish on list
Marine Invertebrates.
Exotic Reptiles and Amphibians
Cabomba caroliniana
CABOMBA CAROLINIANA HAVE YOU SEEN THIS AQUATIC WEED? The Ministry for Primary Industries in partnership with the Department of Conservation and Auckland Council have initiated an eradication response to the invasive aquatic weed, Cabomba caroliniana found in two storm water ponds in Auckland. Cabomba growing prolifically in two storm water ponds in Auckland. Photo courtesy of Paul Champion (NIWA) GROWING AND PROTECTING new zealand Cabomba is a known invasive aquatic weed overseas, and has the potential to be a significant environmental pest in New Zealand’s fresh water systems. Cabomba is an herbaceous, submerged, rooted aquatic perennial. It can also survive in a free-floating state for six to eight weeks. Cabomba often grows in water from 0.4 – 1.2 m and up to 6 m deep. The plant has both submersed and floating leaves. Submersed leaves are oppositely arranged and 1 – 3.5 x 1.5 – 5.5 cm on petioles up to 4 cm long and finely dissected. Floating leaves are blades 0.6 – 3 cm x 1 – 4 mm with margins either notched or entire at base. Flowers are white to purplish or yellow. If you have seen this plant in the natural environment, take a close up photo of the plant (if possible), record its location and call the MPI Pests and Diseases Hotline – 0800 80 99 66. September 2016 Close up of Cabomba caroliniana. Comparison with Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) which is also an Unwanted Organism. Photo courtesy of Rohan Wells (NIWA) Photo courtesy of Rohan Wells (NIWA) GROWING AND PRO
- Scientific Name: Cabomba caroliniana
- Origin: Cabomba
- Source: file:///C:/Users/caroline1/Downloads/2016-cabomba-Fanwort-Auckland-Fact-Sheet.pdf