Databases compiled from the Ministry of Primary Industries list of Tropical fish allowed to be imported into New Zealand.
Freshwater Fish A toH. Freshwater Fish I to Z. Tropical Marine Fish .
Killifish on list Marine Invertebrates. Exotic Reptiles and Amphibians
Iris pseudacorus
Yellow Flag
- Scientific Name: Iris pseudacorus
- Origin: Native range includes northern Africa, Europe and western Asia
- Type: Weed
- Plant Life-form Type: Marginal erect/tall
- Taxonomy: L.
- Presence: Widely naturalised, first record 1878
- Habitat: Still and slow flowing water bodies, wetlands and reported from salt marshes overseas
- Notes: A problem in still and flowing water bodies, also in flooded pasture because the species is potentially toxic to livestock. A potential weed of salt marsh vegetation.
- Propagation: Spreads by rhizomes and seed. Also deliberate plantings
- Features: Tall marginal summer-green perennial. Dark green, leafy clumps. Leaves sword-shaped, 2-3 cm wide that shred to fibres when old. Flower stalk is stout, flowers are yellow and up to 12 cm across. Plants growing over water can form rafts of floating rhizomes, strong enough to support the weight of a human.
- Source: TIFBIS
- Regional: Regional Pest Management Strategy: NTL, WTC*, AUK, NSN/TAS.
Unwanted Organism, National Pest Plant Accord