Databases compiled from the Ministry of Primary Industries list of Tropical fish allowed to be imported into New Zealand.
Freshwater Fish A toH.
Freshwater Fish I to Z.
Tropical Marine Fish .
Killifish on list
Marine Invertebrates.
Exotic Reptiles and Amphibians
FNZAS Plant Search
TFBIS Project
The FNZAS acknowledges the financial assistance of the Terrestrial and Freshwater Biodiversity Information System (TFBIS) Programme towards the preparation of this database/identification key.
The TFBIS Programme is funded by the Government to help to achieve the goals of the New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy, and is administered by the Department of Conservation.
Alternanthera philoxeroides
Unwanted Organism, National Pest Plant Accord
Alligator weedCabomba caroliniana
CABOMBA CAROLINIANA HAVE YOU SEEN THIS AQUATIC WEED? The Ministry for Primary Industries in partnership with the Department of Conservation and Auckland Council have initiated an eradication...Ceratophyllum demersum
Unwanted Organism, National Interest Pest Response (South Island only), National Pest Plant Accord
Hornwort, coontailEichhornia crassipes
Notifiable Organism, Unwanted Organism, National Interest Pest Response, National Pest Plant Accord
Water hyacinthEpilobium hirsutum
It is closely related to and sometimes mistaken for a rare, endangered native herb (Epilobium hirtigerum) that goes by the common name of hairy willowherb.Houttuynia cordata
Unwanted organism, National Pest Plant Accord
Houttuynia, chameleon plantHydrilla verticillata
Notifiable Organism, Unwanted Organism, National Interest Pest Response (national eradication programme instigated 2008), National Pest Plant Accord
Ludwigia peploides subsp montevidensis
Unwanted Organism, National Pest Plant Accord
Primrose willowMenyanthes trifoliata
Notifiable Organism, Unwanted Organism, National Pest Plant Accord
BogbeanNuphar lutea
Notifiable Organism, Unwanted Organism, National Pest Plant Accord
yellow water lily, brandy bottlePistia stratiotes
Notifiable Organism, Unwanted Organism, National Pest Plant Accord
Water lettucePotamogeton perfoliatus
Notifiable Organism, Unwanted Organism, National Pest Plant Accord
Clasped pondweedSagittaria montevidensis
Notifiable Organism, Unwanted Organism, National Pest Plant Accord
Arrowhead montevidensisSagittaria platyphylla
Unwanted Organism, National Pest Plant Accord
Sagittaria platyphyllaSagittaria sagittifolia
Notifiable Organism, Unwanted Organism, National Pest Plant Accord
ArrowheadSalvinia molesta
Notifiable Organism, Unwanted Organism, National Interest Pest Response, National Pest Plant Accord
Vallisneria australis
Notifiable Organism, Unwanted Organism (as synonym), National Pest Plant Accord
Eel grassVesicularia dubyana
Moss Java or Willow Moss
The identity of this well-known plant is not resolved; formerly thought to be Vesicularia dubyana (Brotherus, 1908), it may actually be Taxiphyllum...