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540 litre community tank


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hi guys haven't been on the forums in a while. So I'm setting up a 540 liter tank (150L, 60H, 60W) it's going to be heavily planted with dirt, clay and silica sand, I want the tank to have a lot of smaller fish. I need help with stocking the tank so my thoughts where since I've already got4 bosmani rainbows and I turquoise I would have them as my main focuses fish and probably get a few more rainbows, I also have about 15-20 neon tetras and about 10 corys, 4 ottos.

I wanted to add about

10 glass catfish

15 serpie tetras 

maby some lemon tetras

2 whip tail catfish 

and some Rams, don't know what type yet

And maybe also some harlequins  

would this stocking fine

dont really want any angels for this tanks since I've already got a 400 litre tank with 6 angels and a 120 litre tank with 1 angle


cheers Damien 

Edited by damiem
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Since you want a tank with smaller fish, I would like to suggest you get a lot of one type only, eg instead of serpae, lemon and harlequins, get 50 or more just serpaes or just lemons or just harlequins. These fish look, and act, totally differently when in groups of 50 or more but we don't see it because aquariums are usually too small to allow this. Cardinals, en masse, also look spectacular. They are more colourful when in larger groups, as they are always displaying for each other, and tend more to swim in schools.

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Okay thanks for the advice. I'll maybe go with a large school of serpae tetras, would I still then be able to keep some class catfish and some rainbows. Or what fish would make good complimentary fish for the rainbows 

thanks for the advise

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