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Siamese Algae Eaters


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Righto have a slight algae problem that I was wanting to fix by adding in something to handle it, now I don't have a tank anywhere near as big for a Pleco, however since I have Siamese Fighting fish thought about Siamese algae eaters?? has anyone used these fish before with other semi agressive fish? I'm looking to keep them with several other female fighters and possibly a school of dwarf chain loaches.

I was also looking at oto catfish too as they are a numbers fish too.



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SAE's can be identified by the black line going right through the tail, and when they are smaller they will school. The schooling is the easiest thing to spot, you can see them doing it from a mile away, the Chinese Algaes don't do this. As other's have said they are currently on the importers lists as black line flying foxes so most likely labeled this way in stores.

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You would want to be sure they are SAE regardless of what they are sold as. Black line flying foxes are not the same thing and are not as good at cleaning up algae. They seem to get a bit more lazy as they get older and will eat less algae if they get other foods that they prefer. I have 2 in a 1200 tank and they get fed once a month wether they need it or not.

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Long slender brown/gold fish. Has a bold, black strip running the full length of its body to the very edge of its caudal fin (other similar species stop short of the caudal fin). Has Rostral‎ barbels ('moustache').

Easy to confuse it with the Flying Fox (Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus) which has a extra thin gold/bronze strip on top of the black strip.

Very similar to the False Flying Fox when young, except that fish has a light strip running above the black band.

Very similar indeed with the Siamese Flying Fox except with that fish the black band doesn't go into the caudal fin.


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