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Found 6 results

  1. Kia ora, Me with yet again another fish issue. One of my X-Ray tetras has white spots on both its eyes and is acting a little odd. https://ibb.co/bNQzsQ6 I know that ich is white spots but usually that covers the body or starts on the gills right? From my post history you can see I lost another X-Ray a little while ago to a different illness, but it did not have white spots on its eyes. But while I’m here I’d like some more general advice: this is about the third or so illness in a few months and I’m not sure what’s going on. I do 30% water changes every week, I vacuum the gravel every few weeks, I have a high quality diet etc, I test the water regularly and have a planted tank. Is there anything I’m doing wrong? Yesterday I had to put a gold barb down because it had been manically swimming at the top of the tank for a month or so without eating, I can upload video if anyone is interested. It was not swim bladder, seemed to be something else? It feels like my fish get illnesses that don’t spread, all with different symptoms, so I’m a little stumped. I have run a praziquantel cycle and then a week after it finished and I did several water changes I ran a week course of Melafix. Any advice would be great because losing fish regularly is becoming quite upsetting. Sorry for the long post ?
  2. Kia ora, Woke up this morning and my X-Ray Tetra has issues swimming and is spinning around as can be seen in the below video: Checked the water and nothing out of the ordinary: 0 Ammonia, 20ppm Nitrate, 0 Nitrite, 7.4 pH. We've had these X-Rays for about 14 months so they're not new. Only recent change to the tank has been adding 3 baby Gold Barbs from Hollywood Fish Farm about 2 weeks ago. I have Melafix on hand but I've never used it before and unsure if this is the right treatment. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Zach


    Just looking for some advice on lighting for my aquerium. Thinking of doing led strip's however the lid gets pretty wet due to heat so wondering if leds will be alright being low voltage I know it's safe but wondering if there are any other options
  4. Hi, I'm new. Um, I was just wondering if I could get Validation on my Brown Tree Frogs tadpole setup. I only got them yesterday and they're only a couple of days old. I'm just worried that I'm not giving them as good of a life at the omens. There are 11 of them and they're housed in a 4.44L aquarium. I do plan to move them one they grow. I have an air pump to provide oxygen. And some duckweed. I feed them algae wafers at the moment because they're so young and I'm boiling driftwood to disinfect it for later on when they morph. Allowance someone please tell me about the cloudy water?! I'm so worried! So, yeah. Validation? Tips? Anything please!
  5. My honey Gourami laying flat on her side for the past 2 days, been worse on the second day. I have hospitalised her, raised temp to 30 deg and treated with methylene blue and gave her peas, she's not eating, but gills or moving. Occasionally she tries to swim but falls back down to gravel. She also has slightly enlarged rear side compared to rest of the body. Anything better I could do to save her?
  6. About two weeks ago I brought two goldfish, a black Moore and I'm not sure what the other is, basic white/orange goldfish. They have been living in a fish bowl since, I replace the water everyday and know the urgency for getting a proper and larger home for them. They have been doing fine but now that the weather is heating up they seem to be gaping at the top of the water, one does this more than the other. I have an oxy shell and have been replacing their water with much cooler water frequently today and they haven't really stopped. They are not in direct sunlight either, help would be appreciated
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