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Posts posted by fishfishfish!

  1. You are the lady that came to our tank parade aren't you? I remember you with all your loaches lol.

    The tank has been set up for a about a month or so now. I've got four Kribs, a sword, a platy, and fighter, two honey dwarf gouramis, one bristlenose, one clown loach, one kuhli loach, and one pencil rocket tetra. The tank is about 110litres ish...

    I think we have decided it is most likely neon tetra disease :( All other fish are fine and the flat mate noticed things i didn't notice. I've never had an issue with Neons, infact they are more often so happy i'm convinced they want to breed. i think I've just been unlucky this time. I have been advised to not buy anymore... I'm not sure if thats meaning for ever and ever or just with this tank or just for a few months until the tank is more settled and any traces of neon tetra disease has gone. Though i'm not sure if you can remove traces of it from your tank????

    I would really love to buy more neons at some point, I have truely never thought of them as being difficult at all, infact i've always found them to be very hardy wee things and they really make the tank look amazing. But for their own good i wont buy them. Like I say, i'm not enjoying my new found talent of fish killing :cry: :oops:

  2. Hey i have a random question... last week i cleaned out my tank in the normal way, everything seemed fine until the next morning when i had lost 7 of my neons (leaving me with 6) I have no idea the reason for the deaths, i was prepared to blame myself but was confused in doing so considering all the other fish are fine and happy. Then i came home from work today and now i only have one Neon... again the other fish seem to be ok, i'm so confused. Any ideas of what i have done wrong?

    N.B. a couple of the neons were older but healthy but most of them i got only about 2 weeks ago. :( rather annoyed with my new ability to kill neons.

  3. lol i can assure you he is the boss. :wink: they dont bother him... he does have a favourite platy to pick on... then i separate him for a few days.... then let him back and he behaves. his fins have actually grown SOOO much since i got him - he wasnt in a good state when i got him... now hes stunning!

  4. i love my fishies. and yes it could be the types as i dont have alot of fancy expensive fish. i have the fish i like and can afford! I keep looking at the tank and yes i think they are all happy. But the more i look the more i think maybe there are too many.... but its not like they dont have room to move!

    tanks about 1ft by 1ft by 2ft... 44litres..

    stock.... :lol:

    One male fighter

    one green female sword

    four female platies....

    three female guppies...

    three danios...

    four neons...

    two cat fish...

    one Kuhli loach...

    one clown loach...

    One baby bristlenose...

    one male sword...

    no one is bigger then 1.5inch... duno if that helps lol

    It feels like alot when i am listing them like this... LOL. But i do my best to make sure they are happy. water changes once a week. i vary the amount by how dirty the tank is. I have lots of plants and hiding places - bog wood and rocks.

    :roll: Maybe i am being sensitive but i didnt enjoy the comment... I'll get a photo up sometime.


    ok so they arent all seen in the photo... and tank is divided... i have given about 1/5 to the female sword. she HATES the breeders, so i spoil her with more room... :wink:

  5. :-? I've recently joined my local aquarium society, and while explaining all my beautiful babies to them they laughed and said "typical beginners tank". Now im no pro but im not a beginner... i look at my tank and i DONT think its too full, but im worried that i am allowing my eye to see it that way as i love all my fish. Anyway i was wondering whats the recommended ratio for fish to tank kinda thing??

    I like my club i just want to justify that i know more then what they clearly think. :(

  6. Whats the behavior of randy neons? :lol: I have four neons in my community tank and every now and then they like to dart about each other. I wondered if this was them flirting with each other? Im so keen to try breeding them. I've heard using white spot cure after the adults have done the deed and you have taken them out of the tank. this will kill germs and make the tank sterile.

  7. :D Hey guys. Nope nothings wrong (i hope) Just wondering if anyone in Dunedin has any whiteworms?? The local stores havnt got any due to some problems with their supplier. I wondered if anyone had any they would be willing to share?? :lol: Im just wondering as im sure my fish would love them and i like to spoil them (and would like to try my luck at breeding neons) Anyway im just keen for a varied diet. I dont use frozen blood worms etc as the freezer here isnt big enough and my flat mates might not be too keen i was taking up room for my fish!!! they already dont completely understand the whole fish thing! :roll:
  8. :lol: I have found something that looks like java moss but more fern like in a tub of water in the back yard. I was wondering if this would be safe to put into my fresh water tropical tank?? i have put it in my spare tank to see what it will do and other then a big worm that has appeared from the clump there are smaller worm type things with black heads and pinkish bodies of about 5mm long and others about 3cm plus long and then other little bugs. would they be safe to feed the fish??

  9. I find this all very interesting. My mother and I had had many (well it felt like many :( ) fighters (females) look just like this and they went downhill from there... we had NO idea what went wrong. If i remember correctly this would happen after we had bred from her... It was like she had soo many eggs and she didnt know what to do with them?? Or wasnt able to get rid of them?? Egg Bound was a term thrown around bit but i have no idea. I would be very interested to see options on how to turn these poor girls back uphill.

  10. :roll: OK so just come home and checked out my stunning fishies! Tyson is behaving like normal and the spider poos has cleared up... kinda... there does appear to be finer versions of what i had. lol Less finer and longer.... (well one long bit and one or two other smaller bits)

    I'm wondering what i should do?? Water change then redose? Or will that be an overdose? Or just clean the tank and leave it and hope for the best?? :-?

  11. Have meds ordered and getting a mate to pick them up for me. :bounce: Had a lovely guy help me on the phone from the pet store.

    Lights off you say? DONE! will do water change tonight and another when i give the meds.

    Thank you all again so much! I hope i have got it in enough time!! :(

    will update on progress!

  12. :o Oh thank you guys soo much. I'm not 100% sure if this is what Tyson has. (his are a little smaller) but i am about 90% sure lol sounds like i should be grateful its not as big as those images! I will take note of the treatments and see if the pet store on the way home has it. Then when i get home i will have a Photo shoot of my wee boy and post the images to see if you still agree!!

    Will the other fish have it in their systems? and is it safe to treat Tyson in the same tank with my other fish???

    Thank you again!!! fingers crossed i can heal this!!

    and I'm in Dunedin!! :lol:

    just had another look at the photos. Yes i am now certain this is correct thank you sooo much! i will get onto that treatment!! fingers crossed!!!!

  13. I have lately got my hands on some microworms for my fishies and since i have been feeding them into the tank i have noticed that my male betta splendens / fighter looks like he is trying to poo out a red legged spider... :-? lol I'm not sure how better to describe it! he has 4+ wee red thingys (3mm - 5mm long) hanging from his exit area. He still seems fine. Hes a little shyer lately as i have introduced some new fish into the tank (?? maybe they have given him something?? though i havent seen anything wrong with the others in the tank) But other then that he is his normal self. I thought his mood change was because the male platy (RIP Herman :cry: ) passed on while i was away and Tyson (the fighter) seemed to love picking on him, i just assumed he was content that he was the king of the tank lol.

    Im wondering if he is reacting to the microworms? this is the only thing i can think of that would justify this? Though i havent noticed him really try to eat them (i think hes too big and hes just not interested??) this is all i can think of.

    Is he constipated? if so how do you fix a constipated fish? should i just let him be as he appears happy enough??

    Any help i'm sure Tyson would love and so would i thanks!! :hail:

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