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Posts posted by Yworry

  1. Hi Morc, thanks for that. I had tried to get away from another cannister filter as it eliminates the room I have under the tank for other goodies. The nitrate readings are higher than I'd like about 40ppm, nitrites are currently 0.025 (normally 0) and ammonia is 0. Tap water is the same as the tank so water changes make no difference as all I do is add to it. Tank just goes green very quickly and glass gets covered in algae. I do a 50% water change every 2 weeks. Figured my filter wasn't keeping up but maybe it's just the low natural light room it's in. I run 2 T5's about 5 hours a day. They are however 18 months old so maybe they're contributing???? I can't pin point the problem as algae is green, brown and I also get hairy... :x

    I have a small 60L tank overstocked with fish and it's in a high natural light room with no probs at all.

    Maybe I've just answered my own question???..... :roll: :roll:

  2. Hi Everyone

    Could i have some opinions on internal filters that are tried & true in your experience. I have a 260L Juwel tank that I have removed the filter it came with and added a Aqua One CF1200 canister filter but still doesn't seem to keep up with bio-load. I've tried a few internal filters as an extra kick in the guts but they've all been crap. Our water here is straight from the river to a tank in the country so full of spray & fertiliser run off no doubt. Algae's a bad problem too. UV filter was rubbish. Although my tank is in a darkish room in the house wont help.

    Stocking is

    12cm Borneo Tiger

    12cm Silver Sharks x 2

    7cm clown loaches x 3

    5cm Blue Acara x 4

    3cm BN catfish x 2

    thanks for your help

    Anna :hail:

  3. Hi Everyone

    Can you tell me if Rams will eat full grown guppies? I would like to mix them but am unsure if the guppies would survive? I'm guessing the fry wont. 8)

    Also, do Rams school in a group like tetras or are they more individuals in a tank?


  4. Hey

    Every pleco & catfish I have owned hasn't lasted more than 6 months in my tank. I have a Juwel Vision 260L and put those cool 3D rock backgrounds on it. Started growing some really yuk reddy/brown hairy type algae and all my other fish seem to be amune to it except all my algae eaters have died. Our water comes direct from the river (farm water). So I thought those backgrounds were harbouring disease or something so I threw them out and the water seems much clearer. Is there a type of alage that is poisonous to catfish etc??

    thanks alot

  5. Hey

    Never had African cichlids before but have a spare 60L - 2ft tank and was wondering if there's anything I could put in there? Pet shop said they work well in overcrowded tank (to a point) as it stops alot of aggression. I would've thought the opposite and reduces there own territory but any advice would be cool. Would like some peacocks and E. Yellows & blues maybe?

    But thought I'd check from the people that have experimented with situations as every fish profile I read says much bigger tanks are needed.

    Thanks in advance :hail:

  6. The only thing about rain water is, what happens if it doesn't rain???

    Our water system works a bit like this...

    We have a river on the boundary of our farm. We have a pipe that goes directly into the river and is pumped into our well. It is then gravity fed to all the troughs in paddocks and 4 farm houses. There is no filtration what so ever for this water. We drink what the cows do! It looks clean (most of the time) and tastes fine. But we have sheep farms further up the river from where we draw our water from. Also trout & various algaes etc in the river that worries me whether my fish will catch any bacteria that may be brought in by there water changes.

    As I say, the only filter I have is for the Salty tank that's a 3 stage RO unit. Since our water is gravity fed the pressure is crap and takes about 2 hours to fill 30 litres. I want to rip my hair out but figure it's only one tank I'm using the water for.

    Watercress is an interesting solution.

  7. Okay, so all in all the majority dont think I need a UV Sterilizer - correct?

    We have watercress growing in our stream. Can I just grab some & have it growing in my tank??

    Nitrates never change from 10ppm. Whether I've water changed or not. It's like my version of O except isn't if you get my drift. So I tested our tap water and it reads 10ppm.

    So is 10ppm not going to stunt my fish???

    I was just concerned about the bacteria that's probably in our river as there's sheep farms that can pollute it before we suck out of it and what about dead animal/fish waste from trout etc??? I'll be putting that into my tank. Tastes fresh, looks clean but unlikely.

    Do anyone use stresscoat/stress zyme every time they do a water change?

  8. Just my tanks I'm worried about, not drinking water.

    I have RO water for my Saltwater tank but it takes so long and for the amount of changes I do for my display tank would be a real hassel. Also would have to add minerals or something to it.

    still doesn't remove nitrates either.

  9. Juwel Vision 260L. I have the standard built in filter system they come with and I've also added a Aqua One CF1200 canister filter. Po4 remover is added to it. Along with bio noodles, balls, nitrate removing sponges and mega other sponges.

    There's nitrates in my water from the tap also. Nitrates are at 10ppm. I do 50% water changes every 3 days.

    I dont have an algae problem but more am worried about bacteria etc...

    Also in another tank I have a green hairy algae problem....what causes that?

    Sadly everytime I freshen up my tanks I'm just adding nitrates. Mainly worried about stunting the growth of my Datnoid who's just a baby.

  10. Hiya

    can anyone give me some info on UV sterilizers that are good and how they work eg: plug in like a normal light? Also are they worthwhile.

    My water comes from a bore from the river (country) and wouldn't mind adding a UV sterilizer to eliminate any bugs etc.

    Any pros/cons of buying these and what to look for when buying?

    Any help would be much appreciated


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