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Posts posted by sorcha

  1. THanks, will do, Ammonia is reading 0. I'm starting to wonder if it's from using bore water??

    I never had a problem before but used to keep cichlids, mainly aficans therefore if the bore water was hard they wouldn't have minded.

    Does anyone know if bore water is hard? Have bought test kit on trade me but hasn't arrived yet..

    I might have a go with the house/tap water & see if that makes a difference.

  2. I've just started a tank again, used to have heaps! They used to be 400L etc, this one is a Jebo 110L, I had it set up with 5 gold fish for a couple of months no probs then things turned to custard, had algae blooms etc, cloudy water, lost 2 fish. Assuming the tank hadn't cycled properly & had an ammonia spike.

    Anyway I let the last few go in the pond & have started from scratch again.

    This time I tried cycling with fish food only for 3 weeks, the ammonia gradully climbed, then Nitrite climbed then both back to 0 then nitrate slowly climbed to 10 as its supposed to. I used "cycle" too not that I believe in that stuff really!

    Anyway I left it for another week, have planted it too. Yesterday added 2 kuhli loaches, 2 dwarf chain loaches & 1 zebra loach, all tiny. Probably not the wisest first fish for new set up!

    Today ammonia has slightly risen. Fish yesterday were swimming erratically, today not really swimming but just sitting on the bottom, is that normal for these loaches?

    Ammonia is virtually 0, hard to tell. Nitrite 0 & nitrate only 5.ph 7. I'm guessing it hasn't cycled properly??

    What else can I do, water changes, hope for the best lol? I've ordered 3 dwarf puffers that are meant to be arriving next week..that was all I was going to keep in the tank..

    I'm using bore water from outside hose, ph is low but rest of the tests were good. Maybe I'm just panicking over nothing but don't want to lose them.

    Also using an undergravel filter, 2 x internal & one built in trickle filter. :nilly:

  3. Hi,

    Not sure I should post this here on under breeding but how long can you leave the parents of the above fish with their babies before they decide to eat them etc??

    Also unfortunately the convicts bred in a 4 ft tank which I was closing down so just the pair+babies are left in it, so it becomes a big tank to try and catch babies or feed babies in!!lol



  4. How do I slow it down?

    I never used to have this problem but now it seems to be taking over, mainly my african cichlid tank with no plants.

    I do a water change once a week, nitrates are usually on the higher end, wouldn't say the tank was overstocked.

    Am I overfeeding? I feed once a day but maybe too much at once though they seem to eat it all.

    Any ideas? It looks really messy and just about needs scraping daily.

    Also it may be positioned too close to a window, not my choice, but has been for awhile now and only recently has the algae gone nuts.

    Also I only put light on for about 2 hrs when feeding & have no algae eaters in the tank.

  5. So sadly my oscar died today :(

    I thought he was coming right, the fungus had fallen off & he was swimming around again, wasn't eating but seemed alot better, then I did some big water changes like suggested & he just sulked at the bottom after that & looked quite sick.

    I added some stress coat & mela fix yesterday as he had wounds from the fungus and it said it aids healing etc, couldn't find furan2.

    Anyway he was dead today.

    So what did i do wrong? Too much mixing of meds? too big a water change or not big enough?Just so I know for next time, hopefully there won't be a next time though!


  6. Yeah i've got him in an 80litre tank while treating him, he's only about 10cm's, also albino, not sure if they are more prone? His scales/skin has always looked dodgy since he first arrived like a different colour or missing scales, I wasn't too suprised when i saw he got sick, but don't want to lose him if possible!

  7. Hi,

    Thanks, saturday night I put the tonic & salt in, then monday the stress coat. He's definately improved from how he was but just wanted to make sure I was using the right stuff & it only said to use it twice which I have so wondered what the next plan was ie how long until I change water or see the fungus improve.

    So I guess a water change again, did one yesterday, will have a look at LFS but they didn't seem to have much selection for these sort of things when I looked on monday.

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