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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Wunder tonic contains meth blue, malachite green, acriflavine and quinine if I recall corectly. This of course also depends on the concentrations of each.
  2. I always think that brine shrimp nuplii are the best food as they can be encouraged to rise to the light. Microworms are cheaper but go to the bottom, which of course is OK for bottom feeders like corries (in a bare tank)
  3. It is a lot easier to check one plant daily for eggs than all the plants in a planted aquarium.
  4. I have a friend who has heard of a flesh eating beetle that will strip the flesh off a small dead animal and leave a very clean and attractive skeleton. Does any insect knowlegable person know what it might be?
  5. Sponge filters, undergravel filters etc all use airlift tubes.
  6. Egg yolk is good food but it is very easy to overfeed and cause a disaster with a bacterial bloom. Live food like lumbriculus, whiteworms, grindals, daphnia, mossies etc.does the trick. Another way is to use a bare tank and a flat leafed plastic plant and just keep removing the plant each time it has eggs. I used a half dozen and rotate them.
  7. That is why I did not suggest that contact and making arrangements by PM would be OK. There would be no problem in my view about people making private arrangements over a cup of coffee. Again, what people do in private is their business.
  8. They are a glorified sponge filter and also operate best if not cleaned all the time. In a previous life I used undergravel filters and never cleaned them once. I replaced with bare tanks and sponge filters when I realised they were as good and less hassle.
  9. It seems to me that some people become clean fanatics and are forever cleaning the filters. They are designed to work best when loaded up with the detritus they collect. You only need to clean the filter enough to restore the flow and this could be limited to cleaning the input hose or the sponge on top of the media, but it only needs doing when the flow is quite reduced. Have you ever seen your council workers doing a water change in the sewage works? They clean the prefilter when it gets obstructed.
  10. There are some words which would be known to most people to be at the very least "not in polite use". We try to keep the site family friendly and it does not take a lot of effort to word your posts in a way that is family friendly.
  11. What are you implying Ira and have you read the rules?
  12. They have been crossed to normals, long fins and leopards I understand. I believe the only ones that are sterile are the cross to leopards. They seem to get normals, light pinks and dark pinks from a spawning so there may be a double gene involved.
  13. A bit hard to tell without a picture but I see they are in Christchurch and there are a lot of genetically modified ones being bred and sold here.They were originally passed by Maf who then realised there was a problem and they raced around destroying danios but there have been a heap bred and sold since. They are partly related to a jellyfish and are pretty spectacular under a black light.
  14. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  15. What people do privately is their own business. The FNZAS does not wish to be part of arrangements for a bulk purchase nor seen to be part because of previous bad results and the tendancy to blame the federation. If it all goes sour do not involve the federation. What you do privately is up to you.
  16. Twisted Val will not react kindly to flourish excel
  17. Flourish Excel is a source of available carbon but it also has algacidal properties.
  18. What people do privately is their own business. It is just that previous experience would lead FNZAS to not wish to be associated with it.The federation is not preventing people from bringing in fish and I am sure people have and will.
  19. It is looking really good but how will you get on when you want to keep young reptiles warm to grow to maturity but also get the temperature down to brumate others?
  20. Snail rid is copper sulphate.
  21. There does not seem to be a lot of killies available in NZ now. There is someone in Christchurch breeding australe gold, Notho. guentheri and golden panchax. Can PM you details when you are ready.
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