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Posts posted by zoezealand

  1. update:

    i still dont know what it was, but no more died :bounce:

    as we are moving, i gave them to my physics teacher a couple of weeks ago, as she had a big tank and will look after them, (ok i know it is sad to be friends will my teachers, but i am the ultimate geek :o ) at last check all was fine, and pool is drained and packed, shells removed


  2. well i think i am still a beginner to, and i have no idea wat to do about the ick,

    but they would benifit from a bigger tank if you have one available (or convince you boss to give them to a pond or something)

    goldfish are coldwater fish, so even being inside is a reletively high temp, no heater is nessesary

    im not sure about the ph, but if they have been in a low ph for a long time, then i dont think that is an immediate problem (i never test for ph as goldfish are quite hardy (depending on type))

    just an after thought, male goldfish will display white spots on their gills (when in breeding condition) so are you sure it's ick?

    dont know if that will be any help, and please feel free to correct me (im still learning!)

  3. lol, they are all the same (siblings)

    once my bro fed my fish, but i had to pay him (for every fish alive at the end of the week, which was one less than at the start :-? )

    dont suppose your doing schalarship calc?

    you should have burned the english notes :lol:

    drop into the chatroom about 9.00 sometime

    cya 8)

  4. Fish keeping is a great way to teach a child responsibility and is useful for older children as it provides lots of ideas for doing great Science Fair projects. :wink:

    i did i science fair project a couple of years ago on whether goldfish had a 3 second memory (i timed them around mazes and stuff)

    And the project won first place!

    (and enough money to supply my fish for a few months :lol: )

  5. i've had neon tetras, glowlights and comet goldfish, but i want to get something a little more adventureous (but still easy)

    What about bettas? (i always see them in pet shops)

    I might start on swordtails and guppies (can they be kept together?)

    and if all goes well expand to some cichlids later.


  6. thanks,

    i looked kribensis up on the internet and they look about right,

    i guess there will be no demand for anything that is easy to breed

    are guppies the best choice for a livebearer? (they are the only one i really know)

  7. i want to try and breed some fish (and maybe make some money), and was told that cichlids are really easy to breed.

    is this true? and is so which type are best (convicts?)

    or are there any other good begginer breeding fish?


  8. now i have a silly question:

    how do you pronounce cichlid?

    (ive done research and decided to get some convicts, but id look stupid asking the pet shop for something that doesnt exist :oops: )


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