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Posts posted by Devon

  1. They'll be feeding on 60-100micron zooplankton, which is bloody small :( I bred redfin bullies, and couldn't bring any of the fry to adult hood due to lack of food.

    I tried using green water, which had all sorts in it, micro algae's, tiny zoo plankton but to no success. Commonly the fry will travel out to sea for a short period of time, feeding, before then returning back into the tributaries. However, Crans and Commans are known to reproduce, successfully in ponds, so do not necessarily need to feed on whatever it is they're feeding on at sea.

    Try collecting pond water, culturing it in a larger container and placing eggs in that, probably your best bet!

  2. They'll take the brine shrimp after about a week or more. Mine took abit longer, depending on the growth rates of the individual fish.

    Best fed on boiled eggyolk, squeezed through a hanky. Try feeding a tiny abit of BBS as they get older untill you can see that they're eatting them (redbellies full of BBS) then go onto full BBS feed.

  3. Green up some water in a bottle, transfer to a bucket, let that green up, then put that into the pond/container you have set up

    We used tomato thrive, and 20/30litres(acouple of buckets) of green water to seed 1000Ls, was completly green in a week or two.

    Got the initial algae sample from ponds locally, and picked out the greenist culture to seed the containers.

    If you can use a heater, makes the whole process awhole lot faster!

  4. penguinleo, great looking fish. Nice and healthy!

    THe first few fish look the like fish i was trying to breed, but the females never seemed to get pregnant!

    Good to see we are getting more and more breeders of 'albino guppies'!

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